
Calendar Base Calendar Base

cal / stable

A calendar combining all the functions of the existing calendar extensions plus adding some new features. It is based on the ical standard

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3



Last upload comment

This version is compatible with TYPO3 8 LTS and 9 LTS.
IMPORTANT: Please note, this is a breaking release. Please check the change log for further information.

Downloads by month

Download 2.0.0 Extension Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Donate and Give Kudos Crowdin translations
Jan Helke, Mario Matzulla
Last update
26. Jan 2019
First upload
12. Feb 2006
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (8.7.99 - 9.5.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
2.0.0 / stable
January 26, 2019
This version is compatible with TYPO3 8 LTS and 9 LTS.
IMPORTANT: Please note, this is a breaking release. Please check the change log for further information.
8.7.99 - 9.5.99 Download
1.11.1 / stable
April 16, 2017
Bugfix version, many fixes for TYPO3 V8. See changelog for details
6.1.0 - 8.9.99 Download
1.11.0 / stable
February 25, 2017
TYPO3 8 support, ICS support for ATTACH and many bugfixes. See changelog for more details
6.1.0 - 8.9.99 Download
1.10.3 / stable
February 10, 2016
Bugfix release with fix for 29.feb for leap-year. See changelog for details
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.10.2 / stable
December 19, 2015
Large bugfix release with many fixes for TYPO3 7. See changelog for details.
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.10.1 / stable
October 11, 2015
Bugfixes for TYPO3 7.5 and TYPO3 6.2 with PHP < 5.5
See changelog for more details.
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.10.0 / stable
September 17, 2015
Support for TYPO3 7.4 and 7.5 & many small bugfixes
Removed support for phpicalendarEventTemplate
Removed extension option useRecordSelector
See Changelog for full list
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.9.3 / stable
August 04, 2015
Bugfix version - see changelog for more information
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.9.2 / stable
July 10, 2015
Bugfix release (Bug #68048 and some minor others. See changelog)
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.9.1 / stable
July 08, 2015
Fixed Bug #67976, #66444
Fixed old classnames and instantiation of classes
Moved module into view/module
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.9.0 / stable
July 07, 2015
Refactoring: Adopted extbase structure and class naming and many more. See changelog for more details
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.8.4 / stable
May 15, 2015
Bugfix version: reactivation of image and attachment handling in frontend editing
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.8.3 / stable
May 12, 2015
Bugfix release:
- fixed category handling of fe-editing
- added Exception handling for insert statements
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.8.2 / stable
April 26, 2015
Bugfixversion: fixed some references to sys_category, which should respect the extension configuration
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.8.1 / stable
April 08, 2015
Bugfix for TYPO3 LTS 6.2
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.8.0 / stable
April 07, 2015
Extension manual update (migration to sphinx) & small bugfixes
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.7.1 / stable
April 01, 2015
Bugfix release with support for TYPO3 7
6.1.0 - 7.9.99 Download
1.7.0 / stable
October 19, 2014
TYPO3 LTS 6.2 support version
New Feature: use of FAL. Please read chapter „Updating to version 1.7.0“
Several Bugfixes - see ChangeLog
6.1.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.6.1 / stable
October 16, 2014
TYPO3 LTS 6.2 support version
Security fix
6.1.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.6.0 / stable
April 22, 2014
TYPO3 LTS 6.2 support version
Fixed typoscript of image rendering
6.1.0 - 6.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.9 / stable
October 16, 2014
TYPO3 LTS 4.5 support version
Security fix
4.5.5 - 6.0.99 Download
1.5.8 / stable
April 25, 2014
fixed #58170 Fatal Error in tx_cal_controller after updating to 1.5.7
4.5.5 - 6.0.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.7 / stable
April 22, 2014
TYPO3 LTS 4.5 support version
#55408 1st of month skipped with weekStartDay=Sunday and useNewTemplatesAndRendering=1
#49146 Event in Listview breaks if title contains "|"
#49466 CalendarSelection
#47261 "External calendar" won't show deviations
4.5.5 - 6.0.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.6 / stable
April 09, 2014
Fixed #57727 Fatal error: Class 'tx_cal_organizer' not found
6.1.0 - 6.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.5 / stable
April 07, 2014
more fixes of require_once statements
lowering TYPO3 version to 6.1.0
6.1.0 - 6.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.4 / stable
April 02, 2014
Ready for TYPO3 6.2.0
#57344 TYPO3 6.2 migration result
#55408 1st of month skipped with weekStartDay=Sunday and useNewTemplatesAndRendering=1
#49146 Event in Listview breaks if title contains "|"
#49466 CalendarSelection
#47261 "External calendar"
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.3 / stable
May 01, 2013
Add additonalWhere clause for any event selection in views
Add new category selection option to support “show all events that are assigned to any of the selected categories” use case
Support other map types than Google Maps
Fix for search form issues

4.5.5 - 6.0.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.2 / stable
December 04, 2012
Fixes for multi-language environments: weekday labels, links to single view
Multiple fixes for for newer TYPO3 core versions (caching, old XCLASS, BE_USER object conflicts)
Correct link handling for week view and mini month calendar
Improved Italian tr
4.5.5 - 6.0.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.1 / stable
October 12, 2012
Fix HTML code typo in template
Restore compatibility with TYPO3 4.5 LTS
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.0 / stable
October 07, 2012
Changed category handling to follow plugin configuration more strictly
Support file template for mini month view
Changed manual format to a more recent template
Fixed a larger number of deprecated function calls
Fixed some date/time display issues in
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.3 / stable
February 01, 2012
Bugfixes for PEAR inclusion, recurring events, indexer BE module, and search view. See Changelog in manual and standalone file for full details.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.2 / stable
November 22, 2011
Minor bugfixes for several view-related errors, Scheduler integration, tt_address in Organizer and Location views, reminder emails, and frontend editing.
3.8.0 - 4.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.1 / stable
July 18, 2011
Fixed bugs with events that span multiple weeks, schedule integration, iCal export, and templates. See ChangeLog in manual and standalone file for more details.

not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.0 / stable
April 27, 2011
Added completely new, modern template set, TYPO3 4.5 compatibility and many other bugfixes. See manual and Changelog file for full details.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.3 / stable
July 06, 2010
Maintenance release. Fixed several bugs with recurring events. Added translations for some labels where they were missing. Fixed several issues with frontend editing.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.2 / stable
March 02, 2010
!!! Security fix. Please upgrade immediately !!!
3.8.0 - 4.3.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.1 / stable
January 13, 2010
Minor bugfixes, improved compatibility with saltedpasswords, and a bugfix to support the upcoming TYPO3 4.3.1.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.0 / stable
December 31, 2009
Improved TYPO3 4.3 and PHP 5.3 compatibility. Improved performance with recurring event indexer. Many more bugfixes and features.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.2.1 / stable
December 01, 2009
Security fix. Please upgrade! (@see TYPO3-SA-2009-019) /mkr
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.2.0 / stable
July 22, 2009
Added rdate support for more flexible recurrence. Added TYPO3 4.3 compatibility. Improved recurring event performance, overall caching, error handling, and made lots of small bugfixes.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.2 / stable
March 18, 2009
Fixed bug with nested piVars. Fixed bug with week start day during backend sessions. Improved error handling for categories and notifications.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.1 / stable
March 05, 2009
SECURITY FIX! Please upgrade immediately! Fixed cross-site scripting vulnerability with search parameters in IE6.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.0 / stable
August 19, 2008
Fixed browser bugs with recurring event creation. Improved to cache size and locallang label overrides. See Changelog for more minor features and bugfixes.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.0.0 / stable
May 08, 2008
First stable release. Requires PHP5.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.17.3 / beta
May 08, 2008
Bugfixes for notification and reminder services, location and organizer services when using partner, and all day events in RSS feeds.

not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.17.2 / beta
April 30, 2008
Small bugfixes for Typoscript / Flexform consistency, allowed views, and backend editing.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.17.1 / beta
April 11, 2008
Small bugfixes with the frontend editing and week view. Added new Typoscript configuration options for list view.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.17.0 / beta
March 28, 2008
Major improvements to Typoscript configuration and rendering. Integration with default content elements and DAM is now possible. Added list view configuration options for more flexible page browser and event filters. Fixed bugs with backend date entry wh
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.6 / beta
March 05, 2008
Fixed bug when copying events Fixed bug with adding exceptions to events that link to internal TYPO3 pages. Fixed bug with recurring events on the 5th mo/tu/we/etc of each month. Fixed bugs with all day events in week view. Fixed ICS bug when recurren
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.5 / beta
March 05, 2008
Fixed bug when copying events. Fixed bug with adding exceptions to events that link to internal TYPO3 pages. Fixed bug with recurring events on the 5th mo/tu/we/etc of each month. Fixed bugs with all day events in week view. Fixed ICS bug when recurrence
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.4 / beta
February 26, 2008
Fix for long events in list view, day view, and week view. Further ICS cleanups for all day events and special characters. Minor bugfixes in frontend editing. Added new styling for free and busy views.
Added missing Typoscript configuration for phone numb
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.3 / beta
February 22, 2008
Fixed rare crashes during install or Indexed Search crawling. XHML cleanups in several templates. Improved caching support in Frontend Editing. ICS output bugfixes. Frontend editing bugfixes. Recurring event bugfixes.

not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.2 / beta
January 17, 2008
Lots of small bugfixes, mainly on Typoscript configuration and the various frontend views.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.1 / beta
December 24, 2007
Minor bugfixes for list view rendering, configurable week start day, ICS creation, and frontend editing. Also fixed FlexForm field for defining custom Typoscript.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.0 / beta
December 17, 2007
* Full localization of records.
* Added event attendees and basic scheduling.
* Converted all internal date handling to PEAR date.
* Converted date storage from UNIX timestamp to yyyymmdd.
* Added support for dates prior to 1970 and after 2030 with the tw
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.5 / beta
November 07, 2007
Improved display of all day events.
Bugfix for workspace support.
Bugfix for RTE support when non-admins edit events in the frontend.
Bugfix for start and end time when searching.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.4 / beta
July 19, 2007
Several bugfixes for category handling and frontend editing.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.3 / beta
July 03, 2007
Removed option for nested or flat categories since the nested interface also supports flat categories.
Recurring event interface is enabled by default.
Several bugfixes for category handling.
Smaller bugfixes for RSS view, ICS view, and recurring events.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.2 / beta
June 28, 2007
* Added completely new icon set. Thanks to Ingo Renner!

* Added filtering to RSS view so that scheduled events are only shown a few days in advance.

* Lots of cleanup to frontend editing.

* Improved formatting and default search ranges in each search v
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.1 / beta
May 14, 2007
Fixes for various timezone bugs, both backend and frontend.

Backend usability enhancements, including major update to exception events.

Improved custom marker functionality.

Lots of minor bugfixes throughout the extension.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.0 / beta
April 19, 2007
* Major updates for recurring events and search.
* Lots of improvements to backend usability.
* Added calendar and category filtering from Flexform and Typoscript.
* Added stdWrap support in many places.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.14.1 / beta
December 04, 2006
Fixed bug: creating event from month-view; location & organizer view; Extended backlink functionality to work with different page_ids; in strtotimeOffset
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.14.0 / beta
November 30, 2006
Many many bugfixes and new features. Visit typo3-calendar.org for details
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.13.1 / beta
September 21, 2006
Fixed bug that prevented events from showing.
Added security checks for piVars.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.13.0 / beta
September 16, 2006
* Lots of bugfixes!
* Added ability to define multiple views in the plugin's FlexForm.
* Added Free/Busy views and shared events. Private events can show up only as busy, or can be shared with certain users.
* Integrated latitude/longitude into locatio
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.12.1 / beta
August 10, 2006
Please visit http://www.svn.webempoweredchurch.org:3000/calendar/ or http://typo3-calendar.org/ for details
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.12.0 / beta
August 10, 2006
Please visite http://www.svn.webempoweredchurch.org:3000/calendar/ or http://typo3-calendar.org/ for details
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.11.0 / beta
May 17, 2006
Several bugs fixed + new features added:- Events as link - Search - Login. More infos on typo3-calendar.org
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.10.0 / beta
May 08, 2006
Current features:
- Based on the iCal standard
- Import and export of ICS/iCal files and feeds
- Recurring events and exceptions
- Event monitoring and notification for frontend users.
- Default Views: List, Day, Week, Month, Year, Organizer, Location
- O
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.9.0 / alpha
March 01, 2006
*Added support for category colors
*Configuration of the different page ids is possible
*French translation (thx Jean-Michel Hubert)
Please report bugs/comments to t3-calendar newsgroup
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.8.2 / alpha
February 18, 2006
fixed the bug in the locallang.php file
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.8.1 / alpha
February 14, 2006
* merged missing finnish and dutch translations - sorry guys
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.8.0 / alpha
February 13, 2006
* fixed bug with recurring events on list view
* added max_events for list view
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.7.3 / alpha
February 13, 2006

not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.7.2 / alpha
February 13, 2006
*merged italien translation
*removed day-link from list-view
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.7.1 / experimental
February 12, 2006

not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.7.0 / experimental
February 12, 2006
Added single list-view. Fully configurable through ts: e.g. starttime = now, endtime = +1 month, default_view = list.
not available
due to vulnerabilities