
Swigmore institute Swigmore institute

cgswigmore / stable

With this extension you can manage different things you need to represent an institute, including publications, staff and job offers

Last upload comment

icons and documentation updated

Downloads by month

Download 1.0.2 Extension Manual
Christoph Gostner
Last update
02. Jun 2009
First upload
26. May 2008
Frontend Plugins


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
1.0.2 / stable
June 02, 2009
icons and documentation updated
1.0.1 / stable
February 20, 2009
This minor release fixes the following issue: http://forge.typo3.org/issues/show/2666
1.0.0 / beta
February 20, 2009
rewritten version for better maintainance,
!!! some property names have changed!!!
simplified CSS files and templates.
0.5.1 / beta
August 29, 2008
Version 0.5.1
bugfix: sysfolder selection
new property for the staff (.section.doNotLink)
0.5.0 / beta
July 17, 2008
corrected some errors in the documentation.
renamed a lot of configuration values, plural vs. singular be
patient when updating to this version
selection of staff, publications, location, sections, ... now

0.4.1 / alpha
July 17, 2008
Not real a bug fix release but correct a stupid design - enable the SysFolder dependence as default.
0.4.0 / alpha
July 17, 2008
* added a optional dependence to a SysFolder to the STAFF's option that can be enabled via TypoScript.
* Added a new marker to the staff's list view. Now the section's names behind a person can be linked to the section's page, simply replace set th
0.3.0 / alpha
July 12, 2008
added a file item to the job
0.2.0 / alpha
July 12, 2008
added the userFunc possibilty for the publications
added a file item to the publications that can be linked and/or added to the publication
added an iconset, thanks to roy scholten (http://www.yoroy.com/)
added a switcher for the job view to vi
0.1.5 / alpha
June 20, 2008
Fixed a problem with the sql query in the new part of the location.
0.1.4 / alpha
June 20, 2008
* Finally added the location to display location's information about your institute
* Fixed an error caused by the archived staff members, when the staff member's section was set offline,
the staff member shouldn't be displayed in the archived staff
0.1.3 / alpha
June 20, 2008
This version fixes a problem with the previous (archived) staff members, when the staff's section is disabled.
0.1.2 / alpha
June 19, 2008
Bug-Fix release (sql injections)
0.1.1 / alpha
May 26, 2008
small changes, first version of documentation completed.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.1.0 / alpha
May 26, 2008
initial upload, working, but a lot todo
not available
due to vulnerabilities