
CWT Frontend Edit CWT Frontend Edit

cwt_feedit / stable

This extension features semi-automatic rendering of frontend user input forms. You only have to set up the CWT Frontend Edit Extension with a few lines of code and then it handles everything else. Automatic input validation and rendering of Input, Textare

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Last upload comment

Small bugfixes concerning database update queries.

Downloads by month

Download 2.0.1 Extension Manual
Sebastian Faulhaber (http://www.faulhaber.it)
Last update
06. Dec 2014
First upload
26. Nov 2003
  • TYPO3 (6.2.0 - 6.2.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (1)

CMW Linklist CMW Linklist

Security fix - please upgrade to v1.5.0 or above! This is a linklist plugin. Backend users can create categories and links, which are displayed afterwards. In addition to this frontend users have the possibility to propose new links. The layout

Supported TYPO3 versions:

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
2.0.1 / stable
December 06, 2014
Small bugfixes concerning database update queries.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
2.0.0 / stable
December 06, 2014
Upgraded extension to support Typo3 V6.2 LTS.
The source code has been moved to Github: https://github.com/sebastianfaulhaber/typo3-extensions
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.2.5 / stable
March 02, 2014
Security fix, please update.
4.5.0 - 6.0.4 Download
1.2.4 / stable
January 24, 2013
Bugfix: Replaced deprecated method "tslib_cObj-checkEmail".
1.2.3 / stable
November 20, 2012
Bugfix: A "default" specified in TCA could lead to problems with Select Boxes.
1.2.2 / stable
November 20, 2012
Bugfix: A "default" specified in TCA could lead to problems with Select Boxes.
1.2.1 / stable
December 05, 2011
Compatibility changes for Typo3 4.6.
1.2.0 / stable
May 09, 2011
See http://www.faulhaber.it/typo3-extensions/cwt-feedit-changelog/ for a complete list of changes.
1.1.1 / stable
August 07, 2009
See http://www.faulhaber.it/typo3-extensions/cwt-feedit-changelog/ for a complete list of changes.
1.1.0 / stable
March 12, 2009
See http://www.faulhaber.it/ for a complete list of changes.
1.0.0 / beta
January 29, 2009
Improvement: Added the option to format 'preview' fields. E.g. "$items['username']['format']['date']".
Improvement: Added support for Radio Buttons. TCA type = 'radio'.
Improvement: Added the option to format 'preview' fields. E.g. "$items['username']['
0.9.0 / beta
December 04, 2008
Improvement: Added support for T3 fields of the type “Checkbox”
Improvement: CSS classes can now be provided for the generated HTML content.

0.8.2 / beta
June 23, 2008
Bugfix: MD5 hashing of password did not work correctly.
0.8.1 / beta
February 19, 2008
Bugfix release.
0.8.0 / beta
January 28, 2008
- Improvement: Added the possibility to create new records.
- Improvement: Improved documentation.
- Misc: Validated extension for use with Typo3 version 4.1.x
0.7.0 / beta
June 10, 2007
- Bugix: Fixed some HTML Character handling issues. It is highly recommended to update to this version!! Thanks to Felix Eckhofer.
- Bugfix: There were some issues when having more than one field of type “file” in a form: the deletion did not work corr
0.6.0 / beta
May 17, 2006
- Bugfix: concerning the T3 coding conventions for database connectivity.
- Addition: The validation "unique" and "uniqueInPid" are supported now. Thanks to Hanno Bolte!
0.5.2 / beta
June 19, 2005
Bugfix version: see Documentation for details.
0.5.1 / beta
March 05, 2005

0.5.0 / beta
February 20, 2005
##Improvement: Mikael Conley added the missing DB relation support for select fields. Thank a lot!!##
##Bugfix: The path to download files in case of a group field was not generated correctly.##
0.4.2 / beta
July 25, 2004
- Small bugfix
- Added danish translation
0.4.1 / beta
July 17, 2004
- Bugfix: "php closing tag wa displayed". Thx to Jacob !
0.4.0 / beta
May 27, 2004
Extension is now ready for Typo3 3.6. Please update, if you use the CWT Community.
0.3.8 / beta
March 17, 2004

0.3.7 / beta
March 17, 2004
- Small Bugfixes.
- Ext should work with REGISTER GLOBALS turned off.
0.3.6 / beta
January 29, 2004
Updated the documentation.
0.3.5 / beta
January 20, 2004

0.3.4 / beta
January 20, 2004

0.3.3 / beta
December 11, 2003

0.3.2 / beta
December 01, 2003

0.3.1 / beta
December 01, 2003

0.3.0 / beta
November 26, 2003
Bugfixing by Frank Rakow. Furthermore he added some rather usefull features to the extension: It is now possible to render password fields and to provide additional evaluation functions for fields.