
datamints Locallang Builder datamints Locallang Builder

datamints_locallang_builder / stable

Offers developers and editors a backend module for creating, changing and translating language files for your extensions. Significant improvement of the workflow by using an independent translation provider such as Azure, DeepL or Google Translate.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req datamints/locallang_builder


#locallang #translation #translations #modify #edit #module #autotranslate #googletranslate #deepl #azure

Last upload comment

- [TASK] Removed annotation for route to prevent crash with new symfony update
- [TASK] changed default value of the approved field to true
- [BUG] Implemented backwards compatability for php8.2
- [TASK] Added PHP Dependency for composer
- [TASK] Deleted some unnecessary icons
- [TASK] Added icon for chinese

Downloads by month

Download 12.5.0 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org
Mark Weisgerber
Last update
17. May 2024
First upload
17. Jun 2021
Backend Modules
  • TYPO3 (12.0.0 - 12.99.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req datamints/locallang_builder to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (4)

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
12.5.0 / stable
May 17, 2024
- [TASK] Removed annotation for route to prevent crash with new symfony update
- [TASK] changed default value of the approved field to true
- [BUG] Implemented backwards compatability for php8.2
- [TASK] Added PHP Dependency for composer
- [TASK] Deleted some unnecessary icons
- [TASK] Added icon for chinese
12.0.0 - 12.99.99 Download
12.4.2 / stable
January 31, 2024
- [BUG] Fixed a bug that occurred when you wanted to overwrite a locallang file, but then only the main language was saved in the correct folder in the export
12.0.0 - 12.99.99 Download
12.4.1 / stable
January 19, 2024
[FEATURE] respect the feature to overwrite language files in ext_localconf.php - https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/12.4/en-us/ApiOverview/Localization/ManagingTranslations.html?highlight=locallangxmloverride#custom-translations
[FEATURE] added TYPO3 12 support
[TASK] dropped TYPO3 11 support
[TASK] bump version to 12.4.1
12.0.0 - 12.99.99 Download
1.1.1 / stable
October 31, 2022
[BUGFIX] Fixed php warning when using PHP 8.1 (thx @nhovratov)
9.0.0 - 11.99.99 Download
1.1.0 / stable
May 31, 2022
- [TASK] Reduced header size
- [TASK] Increased loading time when resetting everything
- [TASK] Updated docs
- [BUG] Removed static templates to autoload the typoscript in backend context. So we prevent missing templates when using a multi domain microsite system
9.0.0 - 11.99.99 Download
1.0.20 / stable
November 16, 2021
- [HOTFIX] Added cdata-node-compatibility for Target-Elements
See 1.0.19 for:
- [Feature] Added Support for CDATA-Nodes
- [Bug] Fixed autoload issue for some TYPO3 10.x instances when using alternative classes
9.0.0 - 11.99.99 Download
1.0.19 / stable
November 16, 2021
- [Feature] Added Support for CDATA-Nodes
- [Bug] Fixed autoload issue for some TYPO3 10.x instances when using alternative classes
9.0.0 - 11.99.99 Download
1.0.18 / stable
November 12, 2021
- [Feature] Added TYPO3 11.x Support
- [Bug] Added encoding when creating source-texts to prevent invalid file-content
- [Bug] Fixed country-flag-paths for cs & ja
- [Bug] Implemented security check to prevent error on export when the default-language is missing for one entry
9.0.0 - 11.99.99 Download
1.0.17 / stable
October 27, 2021
- [Feature] You can now exclude extensions from being displayed/scanned
- [Feature] TS constants can now be maintained in the Constant Editor
- [Stylings] Fixed some small style issues
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.16 / stable
October 05, 2021
- Changed module icon
- Removed unnecessary "required"-attribute from language-fields. It is now possible to create new keys only with the default-language.
- Improved Layout for "New Key"-View
- Set "Create backup" initially to false
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.15 / stable
September 10, 2021
new feature: Display ViewHelper Snippets for Fluid (+ inline) & Extbase-Integration
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.14 / stable
September 06, 2021
renamed wrong file name from DeepLProvider to DeeplProvider. It didnt match the class name before
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.13 / stable
August 17, 2021
- added option to delete the whole translation-record
- moved translation-action-area to the top of the collapse-button to save some space
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.12 / stable
August 13, 2021
- hide Objects in List-View
- removed the disable-function when waiting for a response
- Changed the appearance of the auto-save overlay so that it is no longer so intrusive
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.11 / stable
July 14, 2021
added lazy annotations for a much better performance
changed repo query to generic constraint system to avoid storage-restriction
compiled vue project (improved error-handling for invalid locallang-attributes)
Disabled the language recognition by xliff target-language attribute because we cant always rely on the correct-value. Otherwise some files cannot be scanned. (thx Wolfang Wagner for the hint)
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.10 / stable
July 13, 2021
Replaced "is_file" checks with "is_dir" checks. (Thanks to @dbunkerd )
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.8 / stable
June 23, 2021
- fixed missing fields for "approved" and "xml:space" in the export-function
- removed old deprecated tca-files when the extension had a different nam
- Added fallback when a file does not contain a target-language attribute while scanning those. Instead we fetch the language code from the filename
- hotfix for wrong format of api-request;
- changed order of alert-component when a critical error occurs
- Modified the locallang-prefixes to match the ident "datamintslocallangbuilder" instead of the old extension ident "locallangbuilder"
- Replaced all places where "locallangbuilder" appeared (Thanks to @opi99 )

9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.6 / stable
June 22, 2021
Hotfix for invalid flag-paths (en.svg etc.)
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.5 / stable
June 21, 2021
- Switched to the native TYPO3 Logging instead of own implementation
- fixed some documentation-stuff
- locked auto-translate when there is no provider configured. Instead a info will be given.
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.4 / stable
June 18, 2021
moved vue-source-files to a submodule; improved documentation; removed dummy-boxes for a future feature
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download
1.0.3 / stable
June 17, 2021
Initial release
9.0.0 - 10.99.99 Download