Create a structure for timely controlled tables (e.g. events) and one plugin for the different output of calendar views (list, detail, month, year, day, week...). The extension is shipped with one default event table, but you can also "calendarize" your own table/model. It is completely independent and configurable! Use your own models as event items in this calender. Development on
Focuspoint integrate the focal point method to crop images in the frontend of the web page. Use the jQuery-focuspoint plugin ( example to crop the images. Use the function as wizard in the file list view and directly in the content element.
A video extension for TYPO3 built on the VideoJS HTML5 video player library. Allows you to embed video in your website using HTML5 with Flash fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers. Work on VideoJS 4.12.6 and support YouTube and Vimeo video in the same style.
Optimization of the final page: reformatting the (x)HTML output & removal of new-lines, comments and generator-info including search and replace strings using your regular expressions. In addition combines all SVG selected within content-elements into one <symbol> file and replaces <img> by <use>.
Chinese (zh) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on. Dev on:
Automatic components loading of ExtBase extensions to get more time for coffee in the company ;) This ext is not a PHP SPL autoloader or class loader - it is better! Loads CommandController, Xclass, Hooks, FlexForms, Slots, TypoScript, TypeConverter, BackendLayouts and take care of createing needed templates, TCA configuration or translations at the right location.