
Newsletter subscriber management Newsletter subscriber management

fp_newsletter / stable

Plugin for newsletter subscription and unsubscription with double opt in (and double opt out). For: mail or luxletter / tt_address or fe_users. A log is written.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req fixpunkt/fp-newsletter


#newsletter #direct_mail #tt_address #subscription #DSGVO #GDPR

Last upload comment

Bugfix: backend preview.
Bugfix: Plugin-Updater.
Unnecessary sql-fields removed.

Downloads by month

Download 7.0.4 Extension Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org
Kurt Gusbeth
fixpunkt für digitales GmbH
Last update
06. Jun 2024
First upload
06. Nov 2018
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 12.4.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req fixpunkt/fp-newsletter to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (5)

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
7.0.4 / stable
June 06, 2024
Bugfix: backend preview.
Bugfix: Plugin-Updater.
Unnecessary sql-fields removed.
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
7.0.1 / stable
April 10, 2024
Refactoring with the rector tool.
Adding of the language code to f:translate in the email-templates.
TypoScript-files have now the ending .typoscript.
setting dontAppendL is now deprecated.
Bugfix: search in all folders now for mail-unsubscription and edit too.
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
6.4.2 / stable
February 14, 2024
Additional fields can now be copied from the log-entry to the tt_address-table. Setting additionalTtAddressFields added.
Bugfix: reCAPTCHA fixed. Translation fixed.
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
6.3.1 / stable
December 21, 2023
New action: direct unsubscribe via Mail-link and new setting: authCodeFields.
Bugfix: luxletter is now the default newsletter-extension - to prevent a PHP warning.
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
6.2.0 / stable
November 28, 2023
Compatibility to TYPO3 11.5 added again.
fe_users can now be used with the extension luxletter or mail.
deleteMode 3 added: delete only categories (Mail) or user-group (Luxletter).
New setting: newsletterExtension (mail or luxletter).
Bugfix: language added to the links in the email.
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
6.0.0 / stable
November 10, 2023
Breaking: support for direct_mail removed. Instead, support for the extension "mail" added.
Breaking: TypoScript settings dmUnsubscribeMode, module_sys_dmail_html, module_sys_dmail_category renamed to unsubscribeMode, html, categoryOrGroup.
See chapter Administrator / Updating to version 6.x.
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
5.2.0 / stable
October 26, 2023
Automatically set the correct PluginName in templates.
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
5.1.1 / stable
June 29, 2023
Custom validator added which can be used for other captcha solutions.
Bugfix for TYPO3 12.
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
5.0.2 / stable
June 12, 2023
First release for TYPO3 12.
Breaking: the email-templates and -partials must be changed! Add extensionName="FpNewsletter" to every f:translate in your files.
Breaking: in template-forms the argument pluginName must be specified! You find them in the templates of this extension.
Breaking: all plugins must be changed via an update-script (in the install-tool)!
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
4.2.0 / stable
June 29, 2023
Custom validator added.
Bugfix for translated text when using preferXlfFile=1.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 Download
4.1.0 / stable
March 02, 2023
Edit/update-action added.
New TypoScript settings: enableEditForm, editUid, categoryMode, categoryOrderBy and editSubject.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 Download
4.0.3 / stable
January 25, 2023
Compatibility to direct_mail 11 added.
Bugfix: PHP 8 and delete-action.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 Download
4.0.0 / stable
December 15, 2022
Breaking: default TypoScript values for sys_language_uid 1 removed!
New actions: unsubscribe from Luxletter and cacheable form for subscription.
New task: import newsletter-subscribers from tt_address to fe_users.
Setting preferXlfFile added. If 1, genders and email subjects will come from the xlf file instead of the settings.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 Download
3.2.6 / stable
December 13, 2022
Security fix for TYPO3 10 and 11.
Please update as soon as possible.
For details see changelog.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 Download
3.2.0 / stable
July 27, 2022
module_sys_dmail_category now in FlexForms too.
Important: Layout optimized for Bootstrap 4.
IDs in unsubscribe form changed.
Backend: preview added.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
3.1.0 / stable
May 31, 2022
Salutation in emails moved to a partial. Gender divers will now be ignored in the emails. The name is now available in the email to the admin on unsubscription.
A second dashboard widget added: status diagram.
Bugfix: retoken column was too small.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
3.0.0 / stable
April 25, 2022
Breaking change: default value of email.dontAppendL changed from 0 to 1.
The email-templates without a number as ending uses now translated texts.
If email.dontAppendL=0 even 0 will now be added to the template name.
French emails now possible too.
Bugfix: form replaced with a normal button in the emails.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.4.0 / stable
March 16, 2022
Setting dmUnsubscribeMode added. Flexform for "unsubscribe via link" needs to be saved again.
The extension dashboard is no longer required in TYPO3 11.
New action: resend verification email.
French added.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.3.2 / stable
February 21, 2022
A widget for the dashboard added. The extension dashboard is required in TYPO3 11.
Setting checkForRequiredExtensions added (does not work for dashboard in TYPO3 11).
The table fe_users can now be used too.
Form with button added to the verification emails.
no-cache parameter removed.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.2.1 / stable
October 11, 2021
More variables/translate keys for emails added. See chapter Administration.
Now for TYPO3 10 and 11.
10.4.6 - 11.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.1.2 / stable
December 13, 2022
Security fix for TYPO3 9 and 10.
Please update as soon as possible.
For details see changelog.
9.5.20 - 10.4.99 Download
2.1.0 / stable
June 08, 2021
Setting searchPidMode and disableErrorMsg added.
9.5.20 - 10.4.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.0.0 / stable
January 21, 2021
With the new setting languageMode you can define the language of the entries.
There is now a new behavior when L>0. Furthermore the setting email.dontAppendL is new.
Confirmation emails can now be send by enabeling them with the setting email.enableConfirmationMails.
The translate-viewhelper can now be used in the email-templates.
Name and salutation can now be used in the email-templates.
More FlexForms.
9.5.20 - 10.4.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.2.0 / stable
October 14, 2020
Now for TYPO3 10 too.
9.5.20 - 10.4.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.1 / stable
December 13, 2022
Security fix for TYPO3 8 and 9.
Please update as soon as possible.
For details see changelog.
8.7.28 - 9.5.99 Download
1.1.0 / stable
July 19, 2020
Possibility added, to activate a honeypot.
Bugfix: prevent error on unsubscribe when a captcha is enabled.
8.7.28 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.0.4 / stable
June 06, 2020
Bugfix: subscription via external form.
More FlexForms.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.0.0 / stable
February 06, 2020
Possibility added, to delete old log-entries via a task.
Important change: redirect to the new- or unsubscribe-action on email-format- or captcha-errors.
Bugfix: you can use now reCAPTCHA and mathCAPTCHA together.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.18.0 / stable
December 19, 2019
Optional mathematical captcha added.
Set sys_language_uid=-1 if l>0.
The categories are stored now in the log-entry too.
More optional fields.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.17.0 / stable
September 27, 2019
Last $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] replaced.
TypoScript email.adminMailBeforeVerification added.
Emails to the admin will be send now after verification per default.
Email to admin only in one language.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.16.0 / stable
August 14, 2019
Setting module_sys_dmail_category added.
Setting optionalFieldsRequired added. required-attribute added.
f:format.raw added to text-links.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.15.0 / stable
April 25, 2019
Gender divers added. reCaptcha v3 added (optional).
Switch to the QueryBuilder.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.14.0 / stable
March 27, 2019
An email to an admin is now possible.
Bug fixed: email-check on verification.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.13.0 / stable
February 28, 2019
Now for TYPO3 8 and 9. Italian translation added.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.12.0 / stable
February 19, 2019
DoubleOptOut now possible. More FlexForms. Last version for TYPO3 7.
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.11.0 / stable
January 29, 2019
cHash-problem fixed for TYPO3 8. Unsubscription without checkbox now possible.
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.10.2 / beta
January 18, 2019
Links in the email-templates changed.
Bugfix: text-email was missing.
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.10.0 / beta
December 03, 2018
Important change: plugin.tx_fpnewsletter_pi1 renamed to plugin.tx_fpnewsletter. Status 6 added.
New action: subscribeExt for newsletter subscription via other extensions. Bugfix: partial-path in emails.
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.9.10 / beta
November 08, 2018
Documentation fixed (maybe).
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.9.8 / beta
November 06, 2018
First beta version.
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities