The avalex extension allows to display an automatically generated and updated "Data Privacy Statement", "Imprint", "Cancellation Policy" and "Terms and conditions" within a TYPO3 web site.
Jwtools2 contains a scheduler task for Solr to index multiple Pagetrees and a task to execute SQL-Queries. Further there are settings to enable some features in TYPO3 like showing the Page UID in Pagetree with a simple click in extensionmanager.
This extension allows you to reserve tickets for one or more persons using a period table and a form. Each reservation has it’s own QR Code that can be scanned at the event.
Download system with counter, simple category management, sorting criteria and page browsing in the LIST-view. Configuration via flexforms and HTML template. (example:
Select different templates for each page or tree branch. Easily works with either external html templates or pure TypoScript templates! Modified version based on the Modern Template Building tutorial.