
Quick Form Query Quick Form Query

qfq / stable

Framework to build web applications: Form (dynamic), report, typeahead, multi language, link protection, PDF, send mail (dynamic attachments, PDFs), multiple databases, record locking, secure up/download.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3


#quick #form #query #Report #sql #generator #Framework #secure #mobile #responsive

Last upload comment

See Release notes: https://qfq.io/doc/Release.html

Downloads by month

Download 20.4.0 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights
Carsten Rose, Benjamin Baer
Last update
07. Apr 2020
First upload
26. Apr 2018
  • TYPO3 (7.0.0 - 9.2.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
20.4.0 / stable
April 07, 2020
See Release notes: https://qfq.io/doc/Release.html
7.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.9.1 / stable
September 22, 2019
New '<thead>' CSS class 'qfq-sticky' - makes the table head sticky on the page.
The example code for the 'Form Editor' page shows the usage per form (count, first, last, history).
7.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.8.0 / stable
August 31, 2019
Bug fixes and small feature requets. See detailed release notes: https://docs.typo3.org/p/IMATHUZH/qfq/master/en-us/Release.html.

7.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.7.1 / stable
August 14, 2019
* New dropdown menu, fully dynamic via '... AS _link' incl. SIP generation.
* New SQL stored procedure for use directly in SQL queries
* Settings for tablesorter can now be saved
* TWIG integration for reports
Detailed release notes: https://docs.typo3.org/p/IMATHUZH/qfq/master/en-us/Release.html
7.0.0 - 9.9.99 Download
19.5.0 / stable
May 03, 2019
* QFQ is now T3 V9.5 compatible. Minimal required version increased to T3 V7. Updated QFQ description.
* FormElement: Upload any file type: * or *.*
* Manual.rst: update all links to bootstrap to fixed version 3.4: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/...
7.0.0 - 9.9.99 Download
19.2.1 / stable
February 18, 2019
Too short session timeout fixed. Easy way to update FE User passwords via escape class 'p'.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.2.0 / stable
February 07, 2019
Version number scheme fixed: TER does not like a leading '0' in minor (e.g. Ubuntu 19.04.1). Further bugfixes - please check the release notes
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.01.2 / stable
January 18, 2019
Version number with leading '0' confused TER. FormEditor changed slightly. Some improvements with 'fillStoreVar'. Form labels are now free to orientate left/center/right. Fixed 'formEditor.sql' due to a typo.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.01.1 / stable
January 05, 2019
Fix a problem with broken formEditor.sql and sendEmail.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
19.01.0 / stable
January 03, 2019
Lots of bug fixes and some new features. Check the release notes.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.10.3 / stable
October 29, 2018
Bugfix release for 18.10.2. Some nice enhancements in error reporting.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.10.2 / stable
October 13, 2018
A lot of new features and several bugfixes. Check Release in Documentation.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.9.1 / stable
September 15, 2018
- New Excel import - copy/upload Excel files directly into a DB table.
- Primary keys different than 'id' are now supported.
- Hide/reuse report content later: `10.content=hide` and later `1000.head = {{10.content}}`
- Type of nesting d
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.9.0 / stable
September 08, 2018
New: Dynamicly created PDF files can be saved on the server. QFQ now respects SQL commands for stored procedures. FE Editing of QFQ content records (BE).
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.8.2 / stable
August 28, 2018
This is the first official 18.8.x version. Changes listed under https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/drafts/github/T3DocumentationStarter/Public-Info-053/Release.html#version-18-x-x
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.6.1 / stable
June 21, 2018
* sqlHint: Note if a query fails and contains some unreplaced variables.
* #4438 / Log attack detected: will be logged now to fileadmin/protected/log/qfq.log
* #4041 / Subrecord: Spalte 'id' automatisch mit '<span class="text-muted">' wrappen
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.6.0 / stable
June 17, 2018
Bug fixes and a new power feature: generic 'drag and drop' to sort elements.

See https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/drafts/github/T3DocumentationStarter/Public-Info-053/Release.html#version-18-6-0 for latest notes.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.4.4 / stable
April 28, 2018
Change naming scheme from 18.04.x to 18.4.x.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.04.2 / stable
April 28, 2018
Remove local Documentation
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.04.1 / stable
April 28, 2018
Previous upload broken
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download
18.04.0 / stable
April 26, 2018
First upload of QFQ to extensions.typo3.org. QFQ is now marked as stable. New version numbering scheme: yy.mm.index. QFQ is now mainly configured via T3 Backend, not via config.qfq.ini - only database credentials still reside in config.qfq.ini.
6.0.0 - 9.2.99 Download