
Site Language Redirection Site Language Redirection

site_language_redirection / stable

PSR-15 middleware to redirect user to correct site language via HTTP headers (Accept-Language) and IP address.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req urbantrout/site-language-redirection


#Middleware #redirect #language #IP #Address #browser #country

Last upload comment

- Avoid notices with PHP8 ([PR #41](https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/pull/41)) (thanks [@georgringer](https://github.com/georgringer))

Downloads by month

Download 2.3.3 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org
Harald Atteneder
UT urban trout Software e.U.
Last update
02. Aug 2022
First upload
09. Aug 2019
  • PHP (7.0.0 - 8.9.99)
  • TYPO3 (9.5.0 - 11.9.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req urbantrout/site-language-redirection to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
2.3.3 / stable
August 02, 2022
- Avoid notices with PHP8 ([PR #41](https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/pull/41)) (thanks [@georgringer](https://github.com/georgringer))
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
2.3.0 / stable
January 27, 2022
- Fix Max-Age cookie value. ([#16](https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/issues/16)) (thanks Aleksandra Fey)
- Keep GET/POST parameters on redirect. ([#19](https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/issues/19)) (thanks [@erguenyogurtcu](https://github.com/erguenyogurtcu))
- Add Google PageSpeed Insights to bot pattern (thanks [@erguenyogurtcu](https://github.com/erguenyogurtcu))
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
2.2.2 / stable
July 08, 2020
Fix error with android-app scheme (Closes (#6)[https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/issues/6])
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.2.1 / stable
June 25, 2020
Update Documenation
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.2.0 / stable
June 25, 2020
Add language fallbacks. (Closes [#8](https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/issues/8)) Thanks to Raphael Zschorsch
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.1.4 / stable
January 14, 2020
Improve fallbacks for accept-language headers
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.1.3 / stable
January 02, 2020
- Fix Hreflang comparison (Closes #13)
- Update composer dependencies
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.1.1 / stable
October 16, 2019
Add extension icon
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.1.0 / stable
October 15, 2019
Ignore search engine bots
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.0.2 / stable
October 14, 2019
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.0.1 / stable
October 14, 2019
Improve documentation
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
2.0.0 / stable
October 14, 2019
Add IP address based redirect method
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
1.1.0 / stable
October 07, 2019
Add differentiation between "en-gb" & "en-us", etc. (Fixes https://github.com/urbantrout/site-language-redirection/issues/1)
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
1.0.5 / stable
September 21, 2019
Update composer dependencies to also support TYPO3 10
9.5.0 - 10.9.99 Download
1.0.4 / stable
September 02, 2019
Fix typo in composer.json
9.5.0 - 9.5.99 Download
1.0.3 / stable
August 22, 2019
Update description in ext_emconf.php
9.5.0 - 9.5.99 Download
1.0.2 / stable
August 22, 2019
Fix bug with Accept-Language order
9.5.0 - 9.5.99 Download
1.0.1 / stable
August 09, 2019
Release version 1.0.1
9.5.0 - 9.5.99 Download
1.0.0 / alpha
August 09, 2019
Initial release
9.5.0 - 9.5.99 Download