
T3Helpers T3Helpers

t3helpers / beta

Helpers for Extbase: Simple and easy functions that make your TYPO3 life with extbase and extension development a little easier. Please let me know if you have any ideas or if you find any errors, i will fix this immediately.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req saschaende/t3helpers


#helpers #functions #lightweight #Extbase #database #filesystem #sessions #debug #mail #settings #configuration #link #uri #builder

Last upload comment

TYPO3 11 compatibility. Will not throw errors anymore. Please test this beta release.

Downloads by month

Download 0.9.39 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org Donate and Give Kudos
Filmmusic.io UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Last update
07. Oct 2021
First upload
07. Mar 2018
  • TYPO3 (11.0.0 - 11.5.0)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req saschaende/t3helpers to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (75)

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
0.9.39 / beta
October 07, 2021
TYPO3 11 compatibility. Will not throw errors anymore. Please test this beta release.
11.0.0 - 11.5.0 Download
0.9.38 / beta
October 07, 2021
TYPO3 11 compatibility. Will not throw errors anymore. Please test this beta release.
11.0.0 - 11.5.0 Download
0.9.37 / stable
June 22, 2020
Removed cookie for outdated extension nc_staticfilecache
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.36 / stable
June 09, 2020
- Easy one line uploads: t3h::Filesystem()->uploadFileAndGetFileReference($table,$tmp_name,$targetFolder,$target_filename)
- Use the new class SaschaEnde\T3helpers\Helpers\FileReference
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.35 / stable
May 07, 2020
Signal slot for Password::checkPassword()
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.34 / stable
May 07, 2020
Automatically convert style into inline css when using email functions (MAIL)
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.33 / stable
March 05, 2020
- Added a trait to call dynamic non existent properties of a domain model
- Removed example eID
- Removed admin module with documentation (add it manually if you need it)
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.32 / stable
September 26, 2019
See changes on github
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.31 / stable
July 03, 2019
Added "Data::objectToArray()", added "Request" including example, added symfony dom crawler for html parsing (shortcut utility class will come later)
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.30 / stable
June 03, 2019
Added FrontendUser->isLogged(), Added Voucher Codes Class
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.29 / stable
May 28, 2019
Added Request (helper for simple request), example included
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.28 / stable
May 27, 2019
Bugfix Icons -> Add Icon
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.27 / stable
May 10, 2019
Support for php examples in the autodocs section
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.26 / stable
April 05, 2019
Now with auto generated documentation in the backend, see screenshot in readme
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.25 / stable
April 04, 2019
See changes on github: https://github.com/saschaende/t3helpers/compare/0.9.24...0.9.25
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.24 / stable
March 31, 2019
See changes on github
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.23 / stable
March 30, 2019
See changes on github
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.22 / stable
March 29, 2019
See changes on https://github.com/saschaende/t3helpers/compare/0.9.21...0.9.22
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.21 / stable
March 28, 2019
See changes on https://github.com/saschaende/t3helpers/compare/v0.9.20...0.9.21
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.20 / stable
January 24, 2019
See changes on https://github.com/saschaende/t3helpers/compare/v0.9.19...master
8.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.9.19 / stable
January 06, 2019
See changes on https://github.com/saschaende/t3helpers/compare/v0.9.18...master
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.18 / stable
November 12, 2018
Viewhelper css/class now supports array
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.17 / stable
November 03, 2018
03.11.2018 - [0.9.17] Added Settings::getTypo3Configuration($part = false)
03.11.2018 - [0.9.17] Added Database::persistAll()
13.09.2018 - [0.9.17] CSV()->setAutoUTF($autoUTF)
13.09.2018 - [0.9.17] Added Data()->autoUTF($s)
13.09.2018 - [0.9.17] Added
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.16 / stable
September 14, 2018
Bugfix release (GeneralUtility was missing in Filesystem->setFileReference)
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.15 / stable
September 13, 2018
Bugfix in Upload->check()
Added FrontendUser->loginUser($username)
Added Filesystem->setFileReference()
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.14 / stable
August 28, 2018
Added: Data()->formatRTE($str)
CSV(): $pos Paremeter for addRule
Added: Data()->arrayToXml()
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.13 / stable
August 01, 2018
01.08.2018 - [0.9.13] Bugfix in Filesystem
26.07.2018 - [0.9.13] Mail() -> Now you can easily add attachments by adding an array with filenames and paths
25.07.2018 - [0.9.13] Added Html5Patterns() for use in controllers and FLUID templates
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.12 / stable
July 24, 2018
- Readme: Example for csv parser / file uploads
- Added CSV Validator with rules and parser: t3h::Csv()
- Major change: Numeric keys for uploaded files
- Method added Session()->remove($key)
- Session()->get($key = null) now returns all values, if no
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.11 / stable
July 17, 2018
17.07.2018 - [0.9.11] Finalized Upload() Features
17.07.2018 - [0.9.11] Bugfix, save session Data (by Markus A.)
25.06.2018 - [0.9.11] AbstractDatamapper Hook (after updating/adding database entries hooks)
21.06.2018 - [0.9.11] Configuration::setExtens
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.10 / stable
June 14, 2018
Abstract eID Dispatcher, check Classes/Examples/EidExample.php
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.9 / stable
June 05, 2018
Interface implements for Utility Classes,
+ Datastorage(),
Settings()->getExtension($extensionName, $part = 'settings'),
Database()->getQuerybuilder($table, $addFrom = true)
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.8 / stable
May 23, 2018
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.7 / stable
May 07, 2018
Change: Settings()->getPlugin($extensionName, $pluginName = null)
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.6 / stable
April 22, 2018
cleanup, Filesystem->fileExists($folder,$fileName)
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.5 / beta
April 04, 2018
models and repositories for pages, contents / content element object viewhelper / Filesystem::getFileObjectByID($id) / phpdoc comments for Filesystem / Link()->Uri() / Link() is deprecated / t3h::Category() / ilesystem::getCategoriesForFile($uid)
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.4 / beta
April 04, 2018
models and repositories for pages, contents / content element object viewhelper / Filesystem::getCategoriesForFile($uid)
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.3 / beta
April 03, 2018
Bugfixes & enhancements
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.2 / beta
March 22, 2018
Many changes and enhancements
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.1 / beta
March 09, 2018
First cleanup and documentation, new functions, tests
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.9.0 / beta
March 08, 2018
DEBUG: Full Typoscript, (Max Schröter) Use Interfaces, so we can easily overwrite them: https://wiki.typo3.org/Dependency_Injection#Programming_against_interfaces, (Max Schröter) Convert static helper classes to abstractable normal classes, TEMPLATES: Ren
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.7 / beta
March 07, 2018
Bugfixes, Cleanup
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.6 / beta
March 07, 2018
Password functions added, Bugfixes
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.5 / beta
March 07, 2018
Injections added, Google added, t3h_truncateTable() added
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.4 / beta
March 07, 2018
Link helpers added
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.3 / beta
March 07, 2018
# T3Helpers - Helpers for TYPO3

Small and leightweight helper functions

## File System

* t3h_getFilesByFolder($folder)
* t3h_getFileByID($id)

## Database

* t3h_querySettings($setRespectStoragePage = false, $setIgnoreEnableFields = false, $
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.2 / beta
March 07, 2018
# T3Helpers - Helpers for TYPO3

Small and leightweight helper functions

## File System

* t3h_getFilesByFolder($folder)
* t3h_getFileByID($id)

## Database

## Data

* t3h_sortArray($arr, $fields)

$arr = t3h_sortArray(

8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.0.1 / beta
March 07, 2018
Small and leightweight helper functions
8.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download