
Picture Copyrights and Image Sitemap. Picture Copyrights and Image Sitemap.

tgm_copyright / beta

This extension will add a copyright field on every image palette and can show it below each image. All pictures with a copyright can be listed with a plugin. An Image Sitemap XML for Google of ALL used images can be generated by this extension.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req paulbeck/tgm-copyright


#fal #images #image #copyright #watermark #sitemap #picture #pictures #google

Last upload comment

[BUGFIX] Additional bugfix to prevent SQL errors when searching for multi-lang pictures which are disabled in certain CEs, thx to GreenSumo from GitHub

Downloads by month

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Paul Beck
Nerdost GmbH
Last update
28. Apr 2024
First upload
04. Feb 2016
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (12.0.0 - 12.4.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req paulbeck/tgm-copyright to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (3)

404 Logging 404 Logging

Creates a log overview of 404 errors that have been handled by the standard PageErrorHandler but have not been logged anywhere yet.

Supported TYPO3 versions:
Content Owners Content Owners

This extension adds a field to tt_content elements or other records to specify the only allowed BE user to edit the record (admins can edit anyway)

Supported TYPO3 versions:

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
3.3.3 / beta
April 28, 2024
[BUGFIX] Additional bugfix to prevent SQL errors when searching for multi-lang pictures which are disabled in certain CEs, thx to GreenSumo from GitHub
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
3.3.1 / beta
December 07, 2023
Fixed composer dependencies
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
3.3.0 / beta
December 07, 2023
Compatibility with TYPO3 v12, thanks to "j-schmidt-magenta-mannheim"
Exclude no_index and no_follow pages from sitemap, thanks to Felix Leismüller
12.0.0 - 12.4.99 Download
3.2.2 / beta
March 30, 2023
[BUGFIX] Important Bugfix for compatibility with 10 LTS
[FEATURE] Add Plugin Option to only show images with a copyright which are on the same page
10.4.18 - 11.5.99 Download
3.2.1 / beta
March 16, 2023
Backported invalid bugfix for invalid sys_file_references to v10
Added stability for TYPO3 10 and 11 LTS
Removed dependency to filemetadata
Thanks to github contributors mtness / fennecgit
10.4.18 - 11.5.99 Download
3.2.0 / beta
January 19, 2023
More doctrine queries, dropped 10 LTS support, error preventions. Thanks to all contributors.
11.5.0 - 11.5.99 Download
3.1.1 / beta
November 03, 2022
Important Bugfix regarding image sitemap links to images for v10 LTS
10.4.18 - 11.5.99 Download
3.1.0 / beta
October 13, 2022
Now compatible with 11 LTS (thx to Joel Schmidt); Allow umlaut domains for the Google Sitemap
10.4.18 - 11.5.99 Download
3.0.5 / beta
November 24, 2021
Fix TYPO3 depency in ext_emconf as well.
10.4.15 - 10.4.99 Download
3.0.4 / beta
November 24, 2021
Fix packagist configuration and raise depency to a nun vulnerable TYPO3 version
10.4.8 - 10.4.99 Download
3.0.2 / beta
September 23, 2020
Fix: Don't add requireJS to the Frontend
10.4.8 - 10.4.99 Download
3.0.1 / beta
September 16, 2020
Fix for packagist support
10.4.8 - 10.4.99 Download
3.0.0 / beta
September 15, 2020
TYPO3 10 LTS compatibility
10.4.8 - 10.4.99 Download
2.0.0 / beta
December 06, 2019
Extension is now compatible with 9.5 LTS including alot of performance.
NEW FEATURE: You can make the Copyright of File References Required by enabling this experimental function in the Extension Managers Configuration.
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 Download
1.0.2 / beta
December 04, 2018
Added composed support; Respect sys_language_uid of file references
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
1.0.1 / beta
May 24, 2017
[BUGFIX] Undefined rootlines caused some systems to output an error
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
1.0.0 / beta
April 28, 2017
This version will add configuration options for others extensions like "news" to link copyright images correctly to their belonging records detail view (in the copyright-list and sitemap). Please read the docs to find out more about this feature.
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
0.2.0 / beta
March 16, 2016
BREAKING FEATURE - Image Sitemap Generator; Bugfixes regarding workspaces and expired records (starttime / endtime); extension renaming
6.2.0 - 7.6.99 Download
0.1.4 / beta
March 08, 2016
Hotfix due to deleted file-references. Thanks to klodeckl.
6.2.0 - 7.6.99 Download
0.1.3 / beta
March 08, 2016
Fixes: Alternative templating failure, respect rootline, add copyright field to 6.2 metadata, select of non-existing pictures, respect hidden and deleted pages, performance update
6.2.0 - 7.6.99 Download
0.1.2 / beta
February 22, 2016
Enhancements, Doc update
6.2.0 - 7.6.99 Download
0.1.1 / beta
February 04, 2016
Initial release hotfix (6.2 compat). Every feedback is welcome!
6.2.0 - 7.6.99 Download
0.1.0 / beta
February 04, 2016
Initial release. Every feedback is welcome.
7.6.0 - 7.6.99 Download