
TYPO3 Restful API by 99° TYPO3 Restful API by 99°

nnrestapi / stable

Build a REST Api for your TYPO3 project. Equipped with everything you need: Routing with annotations. User authentication. Fileupload and FAL conversion. Testbed and automatic documentation of your API. The backend module comes with a "Kickstarter" to get your RESTful API up and running in minutes.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req nng/nnrestapi


#REST #RestAPI #restful #Api

Last upload comment

Bugfixes and improvements for TYPO3 Version 12

Downloads by month

Download 2.0.4 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org Donate and Give Kudos
Last update
09. Feb 2024
First upload
08. Jan 2022
  • TYPO3 (12.1.0 - 12.9.99)
  • nnhelpers (>= 2.0.0)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req nng/nnrestapi to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (2)

Drastically speed up your extension development with this huge collection of very smart 'oneliners'. Make updating to new TYPO3 versions simple. Packed with things you've spent hours searching on the internet for. Everything accessible with one click via a convenient backend module. No mess and no conflicts. Use whatever method makes you happy – or simple grab the source-code and paste it in your own extension.

Supported TYPO3 versions:
zvoove zvoove

Connect TYPO3 to the job and recruiting management zvoove. Display a list of your vacancies directly on your site – without iframes. Send applications to your zvoove inbox from a TYPO3 form. Customize the template with fluid and css.

Supported TYPO3 versions:

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
2.0.4 / stable
February 09, 2024
Bugfixes and improvements for TYPO3 Version 12
12.1.0 - 12.9.99 Download
2.0.3 / stable
January 12, 2023
[FEATURE] Issue #32 - make it possible to disable automerge
[BUGFIXES] for Version 12
12.1.0 - 12.9.99 Download
2.0.2 / stable
December 28, 2022
[FEATURE] Improved Distiller, allow dot-Syntax for nested objects in keysToKeep
[BUGFIX] Problem with cached pages in frontend. See https://forge.typo3.org/issues/99417
12.1.0 - 12.9.99 Download
2.0.1 / stable
December 08, 2022
New release for TYPO3 Version 12.1
12.1.0 - 12.9.99 Download
2.0.0 / stable
December 05, 2022
Updated Extension for TYPO3 Version 12
12.0.0 - 12.9.99 Download
1.4.1 / stable
January 12, 2023
[FEATURE] Issue #32 - make it possible to disable automerge
[BUGFIXES] for Version 9 – 11
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.4.0 / stable
December 05, 2022
[!!] IMPORTANT: New tables added, please run "Database compare" in Install-Tool after update!
Backport of new functions and bugfixes for TYPO3 v9 – 11.

[FEATURE] Possibility to deactivate Warnings and Error messages
[FEATURE] New security features, Annotations and Helper Utilities
[FEATURE] Better error handling and a custom ApiError that can return customErrorCode and JSON
[FEATURE] Possibility to set max-age for routes
[BUGFIX] Remove unused table fields for fe_groups
[BUGFIX] issue #23 Backend Module crashes on loading
[BUGFIX] Error with multiline header on Exception call
[BUGFIX] Fix Issue #28 Custom distiller goes wrong with object
[BUGFIX] Fix Issue #25 - Custom route via @Api\Route() allows any char at beginning
[BUGFIX] don't load TypoScript setup in PageResolver before really needed
[DOCS] Issue #27 - describe mandantory composer.json
[DOCS] added conflict information about EXT:autoloader
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.7 / stable
September 15, 2022
[BUGFIX] Missing cases in AccessViewHelper - THANKS to Marcus Biesioroff for the contribution!
[BUGFIX] ApiConfiguration not loaded in Settings.php when called by NnrestapiEnhancer
[BUGFIX] The nnrestapi composer requirements causes LogicException
[FEATURE] Updated docs, describe "how to add images to 'textpic' content element"
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.6 / stable
July 29, 2022
[BUGFIX] TYPO3 v9 - ValidatorResolver was not instantiated correctly
[BUGFIX] Issue #14 – It is not possible to add more than one object to url params
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.5 / stable
July 28, 2022
[FEATURE] Default endpoints can now be disabled in Extension Manager
[BUGFIX] Test-Table: title doesn't have a default value – THANKS to Philipp Kuhlmay
[BUGFIX] keep the TYPO3_REQUEST in sync with the new language in case other extensions are relying on it
[BUGFIX] with pdo_mysql driver a database error occurs in backend module - THANKS to Sebastian Hofer
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.4 / stable
June 19, 2022
[BUGFIX] Fixed 404 issue with Accept-Language header not being interpreted correctly
[BUGFIX] Fixed 404 issue when language defined in site-config.yaml had a trailing slash
[BUGFIX] Issue #6 - Inconsistencies in the class Nng\Nnrestapi\Mvc\Response
[BUGFIX] Issue #8 - Deactivated backend users are allowed to log in
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.3 / stable
March 10, 2022
[BUGFIX] Issue #4 Error when calling endpoint with default language in strict mode
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.2 / stable
March 02, 2022
[BUGFIX] issue #5 Installation of nn-rest-api breaks gridelements workspace view
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.1 / stable
February 22, 2022
Merged changes and updates
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.3.0 / stable
February 18, 2022
Thank you to everybody for the positive feedback and contributions!

New features and bugfixes:
- language aspect refactored (thanks to Rainer Becker!)
- implemented native validators (thanks to Thomas Helmrich!)
- fix error on console command call and various PHP warnings (thanks to Thomas Helmrich!)
- fixed error when calling endpoint with default language in strict mode (thanks to Rainer Becker!)
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.2.0 / stable
February 02, 2022
- Various PHP warnings fixed by Thomas Helmrich (GIGABIT IO GmbH & Co KG) - THANK YOU!!
- Improved documentation in hope that Google stops ignoring the extension
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.1.1 / stable
January 23, 2022
- Fixed an error when installing the extension in composer mode with TYPO3 9 / TYPO3 10. BIG THANKS to Mykola Orlenko for reporting and fixing this problem!
- Updated the apitest README.md in the Kickstarters
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.1.0 / stable
January 17, 2022
- added @ApiEndpoint() Annotation for registering an Endpoint on a per-class base
- added button for peeking in the README.md of the kickstarter packages before downloading them
- improved caching of parsed classes in nn\rest::Endpoint()
- improved error message, if URL could not be routed to endpoint
- improved documentation
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download
1.0.0 / stable
January 08, 2022
First public release.
9.5.0 - 11.9.99 Download