
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap

ods_osm / stable

Add an interactive OpenStreetMap map to your website. Can also show other OpenLayers compatible maps.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req bobosch/ods-osm

Last upload comment

[BUGFIX] Fix access to array entry city by @sypets in #179
[BUGFIX] Fix 180: Do not overwrite "address" field with entire address by @albig in #181
[BUGFIX] Include geoPHP as Phar into TER package by @albig in #182

Downloads by month

Download 4.2.2 Extension Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org
Robert Heel
Last update
05. May 2024
First upload
25. Feb 2010
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 12.4.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req bobosch/ods-osm to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
4.2.2 / stable
May 05, 2024
[BUGFIX] Fix access to array entry city by @sypets in #179
[BUGFIX] Fix 180: Do not overwrite "address" field with entire address by @albig in #181
[BUGFIX] Include geoPHP as Phar into TER package by @albig in #182
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
4.2.1 / stable
February 26, 2024
- Fix #147: do not define variable $logger again by @albig in #148
- Fix custom IMAGE marker by @hannesbochmann in #150
- create calendarize fields only if extension is loaded by @ftrojahn in #151
- Remove unneeded extending of calendarize event model by @albig in #155

11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
4.2.0 / stable
October 07, 2023
- Remove support for TYPO3 10.4, support for 12.4 LTS
- Make geojson properties configurable to show in popup
- Update Openlayers to 8.1.0
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
4.1.4 / stable
May 05, 2024
[BUGFIX] Fix access to array entry city by @sypets in #179
[BUGFIX] Fix 180: Do not overwrite "address" field with entire address by @albig in #181
[BUGFIX] Include geoPHP as Phar into TER package by @albig in #182
10.4.0 - 11.5.99 Download
4.1.3 / stable
February 26, 2024
- create calendarize fields only if extension is loaded
10.4.0 - 11.5.99 Download
4.1.2 / stable
June 12, 2023
- Update OpenLayers to 7.4.0
- Update LeafLet to 1.9.4
- Support PHP 8.2
Full Changelog: https://github.com/bobosch/ods_osm/releases/tag/v4.1.2
10.4.0 - 11.5.99 Download
4.1.1 / stable
January 16, 2023
- Fix exceptions if optional tt_address extension is not installed
- Update leaflet to version 1.9.3
- Add internal_type for TCA configuration of fe_groups and sys_category
- [BUGFIX] Add flexform manipulation to ensure valid allowed tables.
10.4.0 - 11.5.99 Download
4.1.0 / stable
December 08, 2022
This release is a maintenance release with some important updates:
- OpenLayers 2/3 is updated to OpenLayers 7.1.0
- LeafLet is updated to 1.9.1
- Use only one flexform configuration
- Support for map in calendarize detail event view
- Support for PHP 8.1
- Fix some issues

Upgrade Instruction
There is a new upgrade wizard to update existing flexform configuration. You should run it in the backend or via the TYPO3 console.
vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:run odsOsmMigrateSettings

10.4.0 - 11.5.99 Download
4.0.0 / stable
June 04, 2022
Fix wrong array index
Fix popups for tx_odsosm_vector
Provide V11 Compatibility
10.4.0 - 11.5.99 Download
3.2.0 / stable
April 09, 2021
- Update Leaflet to version 1.7.1
- Update Leaflet plugins and extra libraries to current version
- Update CDN ressources for Leaflet and OpenLayers
- Change Coordinate Picker wizard to use Leaflet instead of broken OpenLayers 2
- Add Vector Draw wizard to replace drawing in old OpenLayers2 based wizard
- Convert language files from XML to XLIFF
- Fix deprecated code which did not work in TYPO3 10 anymore
- Update documentation

- New: Featurecollection in GeoJSON vector records
- New: GeoJSON in external filie for vector records
- New: Styling of vector records (color, stroke-width) like in track records
- New: Two options to separately toggle panning/dragging and mouse-wheel zooming on Leaflet maps

- Thanks to @sypets for pointing out deprecated code and for contribute a solution.
- Thanks to Andreas for sponsoring the enhancement of the GeoJSON vector records and for testing.
9.5.0 - 10.4.99 Download
3.1.1 / stable
March 07, 2021
Bugfix release.
Fix bug if used with debug mode enabled.
9.5.0 - 10.4.99 Download
3.1.0 / stable
February 15, 2021
This release supports TYPO3 10.4 and 9.5 LTS.

If you use marker or track images, please use the upgrade wizard to upgrade your marker or track records to the new FAL relations. Alternatively you have to add the images again manually to your records.
9.5.0 - 10.4.99 Download
3.0.0 / stable
April 18, 2020
- Compatibility for TYPO3 9.5+
- Updated Geocoding function and other deprecated functions
- Many bugfixes
- Italian translation
9.5.0 - 9.99.99 Download
2.1.3 / stable
April 03, 2017
* Request #27: 8.x compatibility (Thanks to Thorben Nissen).
* Bug #80038: Clustered marker categories are not activated by default (Thanks to Volker Burggräf).

6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
2.1.2 / stable
February 28, 2017
* Bug #80037: Table tx_odsosm_layer not recreated on update.
* Bug #80038: Leaflet layer switcher closed even opened is selected.
* Bugfix: Use layer tile protocol if set.

6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
2.1.1 / stable
February 23, 2017
* Bug #77684: Markers not shown when clustering is active.
* Issue #26: Add minimum zoom option.
* Feature #73131: https option for layer tiles.
* Change #30: Increase size of tile_url field.
* Bugfix #28: Initialize layers array in leaflet libra
6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
2.1.0 / stable
April 24, 2016
* Bufix: Ignore wrong TS marker entries.
* Bugfix: Typo in locallang_db.
* Add: Missing configuration examples in TS setup and TS constants.
* Change: Convert manual to REST format.
* Add: Define marker icon with TS TEXT object.
* Change: Searc
6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
2.0.0 / stable
March 20, 2016
* Change: Transfered tt_address marker into extension "ods_osm_tt_address". Install it if you use tt_address records!
* Add: Extension ods_osm_tt_address 2.0.0 for tt_address 2.x
* Add: Extension ods_osm_tt_address 3.0.0 for tt_address 3.x
* Add: E
6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
1.12.3 / stable
March 17, 2016
* Feature #48742: Allow jQuery usage.
* Change: Add php 5.4 compatibility to class.tx_odsosm_div.php (Thanks to Daniel Minder).
* Change: The usage of $GLOBALS['TSFE']->JSeventFuncCalls is deprecated as of TYPO3 CMS 7. Use Javascript directly.
* Up
6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
1.12.2 / stable
March 11, 2016
* Bugfix: Correct mm relation for sys_category.
* Bugfix: 'IN' instead of '=' in flexform.xml.
* Bugfix: Color attribute in leaflet tracks.
* Bugfix: Show tt_content lon and lat in coordinate picker.
* Bugfix: TYPO3 7 compatibility for tracks.

6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
1.12.1 / stable
March 08, 2016
* Bugfix: Show tt_address records in sys_category.
* Bugfix: Fix static functions.
* Bug #21: Coordinatepicker Wizard error in TYPO3 6.2.

6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
1.12.0 / stable
March 06, 2016
* Bugfix: Compatibility to TYPO3 7 and tt_address 3.
* Change: Use tt_address longitude and latitude (Import old data with update function).

6.2.0 - 7.99.99 Download
1.11.7 / stable
January 09, 2016
* Feature #67722: Add marker clusterer to leaflet.
* Change: New version of update script.
* Change: Use leaflet geoJson object for vector elements.
* Bugfix: Unsupported operand types in class.tx_odsosm_pi1.php on line 99
* Bug 72208: Invalid ar
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.6 / stable
June 18, 2015
* Change: Add scalebar to leaflet map.
* Change: Allow different javascript calls for OpenLayers and Leaflet. Please run update.
* Update: leaflet-plugins to 1.3.3.
* Bugfix: Bug with base layers and leaflet.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.5 / stable
February 11, 2015
* Update: geoPHP to version 1.0
* Change: Include only used leaflet plugins.
* Add: KML support when using Leaflet library.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.4 / stable
January 11, 2015
* Bug #64119: Import ext_tables_static+adt.sql on extension update.
* Bug #63990: Replace mysql function with TYPO3 function.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.3 / stable
December 17, 2014
Please reimport ext_tables_static+adt.sql!
* Add: Option to show current (gps) position in leaflet.
* Bugfix: Change links from toolserver.org to wmflabs.org.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.2 / stable
October 26, 2014
* Bug #62424: Add absRefPrefix to path (Thanks to Alexander Bigga).
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.1 / stable
October 23, 2014
* Bug #62424: Set default image path in leaflet (Thanks to Michael Oehlhof).
* Bugfix: Escape slash in javascript.
* Add: Overlay layer "Stamen Terrain Labels" (http://maps.stamen.com/).
* Bug #61011: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in clas
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.11.0 / stable
August 03, 2014
* Update: OpenLayers to version 2.13.1
* Add: Base layer "Stamen Toner" (http://maps.stamen.com/#toner/).
* Add: Base layer "Stamen Watercolor" (http://maps.stamen.com/#watercolor/).
* Add: Overlay layer "Public Transport Lines" (http://www.openptm
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.6 / stable
July 31, 2014
* Bugfix: Coordinate selection wizard works now in TYPO3 6.2.
* Bugfix: New static URL for mapnik.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.5 / stable
July 30, 2014
* Add: Overlay layer "Cycling routes" (http://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/).
* Bugfix: Coordinate selection wizard works now in TYPO3 6.2.
* Change: Remove local layer scripts and only use javascript includes with special layers.
* Bugfix: Use glob
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.4 / stable
June 17, 2014
* Bugfix: Show marker without groups again.
* Bugfix: htmlSpecialChars = 1 in default typoscript to allow special characters in description.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.3 / stable
May 25, 2014
* Add: Icon groups in Leaflet layer switch.
* Update: Leaflet to version 0.7.3.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.2 / stable
May 15, 2014
* Add: Config option for GeoNames username.
* Add: Default seperator parameter to geonames and nominatim http_build_query.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.1 / stable
February 06, 2014
Bugfix: SQL error: Unknown column 'region' in 'field list' (fe_users).
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.10.0 / stable
February 04, 2014
* Add: Base layer "MapQuest Open Aerial" (http://www.mapquest.com/).
* Add: Database column for attribution.
* Change: Also use tile_url in openlayers.
* Bug: Use default configuration if extension is not configured.
* Add: Some debug messages.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.9.4 / stable
December 17, 2013
Bug: Get map work again without layer switch.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.9.3 / stable
December 08, 2013
Bug: Wrong german localisation of layer switch options.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.9.2 / stable
December 07, 2013
* Add: Plugin option to activate the layer switcher opened.
* Add: Track option to change visiblity of tracks.
* Bug: Don\'t delete bounding coordinates from track on save.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.9.1 / stable
November 05, 2013
* Add: Plugin option \"Use this coordinates only if no marker exists\".
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.9.0 / stable
October 26, 2013
* Add: Plugin option \"Show Popup Exclusive\" to show only one popup at once (Thanks to Klaus).
* Bug #50028: Enhanced geocache.

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.8.2 / stable
August 24, 2013
* Add: ScaleLine Control to OpenLayers maps (Thanks to Klaus).
* Add: Address search cache configuration.
* Bug #49251: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in class.tx_odsosm_leaflet.php.
* Add: State field in address search.
* Bug #
>= 4.5.0 Download
1.8.1 / stable
August 24, 2013
* Add: ScaleLine Control to OpenLayers maps (Thanks to Klaus).
* Add: Address search cache configuration.
* Bug #49251: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in class.tx_odsosm_leaflet.php.
* Add: State field in address search.
* Bug #
>= 4.5.0 Download
1.8.0 / stable
August 09, 2013
* Add: tx_odsosm_track and tx_odsosm_vector for Leaflet (Thanks to Niklas Olmes).
>= 4.5.0 Download
1.7.4 / stable
June 23, 2013
* Change: Compatibility to TYPO3 LTS Version 4.5.
* Feature #48803: Use address field for geocoding.
>= 4.5.0 Download
1.7.3 / stable
June 05, 2013
* Bug #48797: Update user agent version.
* Bug #48886: PHP Warning: Missing argument 3 for tx_odsosm_leaflet::getMarker().
* Feature #48743: Mass geo-code tt_address records (Thanks to Christian Weiske).
* Feature #48804: Show popup opened (Thanks to
>= 4.7.0 Download
1.7.2 / stable
June 01, 2013
* Update: Leaflet to version 0.5.1.
* Bug #48752: Custom marker in Leaflet (Thanks to Christian Weiske).
* Bug #48745: Enable popups in Leaflet (Thanks to Christian Weiske).
>= 4.7.0 Download
1.7.1 / stable
March 07, 2013
Bug 46088: Replaced unsupported TYPO3CMSCoreUtility.

>= 4.7.0 Download
1.7.0 / stable
February 25, 2013
Bug: Replaced deprecated method readLLXMLfile.
Bug 45730: No translated overlays from tt_address_group (Thanks to Klaus Weidenbach).

>= 4.6.0 Download
1.6.4 / stable
August 06, 2012
Change: Change default setting to use local javascript.
Workaround: Use remote openlayers version 2.11 (gpx tracks dont work in 2.12).

1.6.3 / stable
July 20, 2012
Bug 39087: Popup marker for leaflet library.

1.6.2 / stable
June 25, 2012
Bugfix: Popup marker back again.
Add: Leaflet subdomains information.
1.6.1 / beta
June 09, 2012
Add: Layerswitcher for leaflet library.
Change: Code cleanup.

1.6.0 / beta
June 01, 2012
Add: Leaflet library (http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/) (optimized for mobile devices).
Add: TS option "library" with values "leaflet", "openlayers" and "static".
Change: Removed TS options "static" and "static_layer" (use librarystatic
1.5.1 / stable
April 16, 2012
Change: Use geoPHP 0.8 for track file analysis.
Add: Support for GeoJSON, KML and WKT tracks.

1.5.0 / stable
March 29, 2012
Add: Base layer "MapQuest" (http://www.mapquest.com/).
Add: Base layer "TransportMap".
Remove: Base layer "Osmarender".
Update: OpenLayers to version 2.11.
Update: OpenStreetMap.js.
Update: Database structure.
Bugfix: Show Map w
1.4.1 / stable
March 02, 2011
Add: GeoJSON vector elements (alpha).
Change: Disable compression of JS in BE/FE (dont work).
Add: Base layer "MapSurfer.Net Road ", "MapSurfer.Net Topographic", Overlay layer "MapSurfer.Net Hybrid" (http://www.mapsurfer.net/).
Add: Base l
1.4.0 / beta
December 27, 2010
Add: Hover mode for markers.
Update: Use addJsFile function to include JS. Requires TYPO3 4.3.
Bugfix: Same order of Base layer in FE and BE.

1.3.6 / stable
November 27, 2010
* Add: Base layer "Mapnik BW" (http://toolserver.org/~osm/styles/).
* Add: TS option "external_control" to enable map control with GET or POST parameter zoom, lon, lat and layers.

1.3.5 / stable
October 22, 2010
* Add: TS option "static_layer" and plugin dropdown to change layer of static map.
* Add: Static map info for Mapnik and CycleMap.
* Update: OpenLayers to version 2.10.
* Update: OpenStreetMap.js.

1.3.4 / stable
September 23, 2010
* Add: Allow percentaged width and height.
* Add: Overlay layer "Hiking Paths" (http://osm.lonvia.de/world_hiking.html).

1.3.3 / stable
July 30, 2010
* Bugfix: fe_groups didn't work if user is member of multiple groups.

1.3.2 / stable
July 26, 2010
Add: Plugin option for map center coordinates.
Bugfix: Use TYPO3 function to get coordinates.

1.3.1 / stable
June 04, 2010
* Bugfix: Extension key "ods_osm_search" was NOT loaded!

1.3.0 / stable
June 03, 2010
* Add: Cache for autocomplete longitude and latitude.
* Bugfix: Allow negative longitude.
* Change: Swap order of appearance of lon & lat.
* Change: Optimize database fields.

1.2.6 / stable
May 25, 2010
* Bugfix: JavaScript cleanup for IE8. (Thanks to Rolf Güssow)

1.2.5 / stable
May 20, 2010
Bugifx: addFieldsToAllPalettesOfField initial available since TYPO3 4.3.
Bugfix: Escape javascript text parameter for popup content.
Bugfix: Ignore invalid markers set by TS.
Bugfix: Address records latitude default "-1" (no coordinates).

1.2.4 / stable
May 20, 2010
Bugfix: Extension didnt work if not press the update button after install.

1.2.3 / stable
May 17, 2010
* Add: no_marker option to hide map if no marker is set.
* Add: Hook to change records.

1.2.2 / stable
May 11, 2010
* Add: Base layer "http://www.öpnvkarte.de/".
* Add: Base layer "http://www.hikebikemap.de/" (including overlays "Hillshading" and "By Night").
* Change: Move getTileURL to main.js.
* Change: Show overlays if layerswitcher is disabled.
* Bugfi
1.2.1 / stable
May 05, 2010
* Bugfix: Typo in backpath.
* Change: Show base layer title in layerswitcher.
* Add: TS option "static_script".
* Add: Hidden base layer Bing maps.

1.2.0 / stable
May 02, 2010
* Add: Option to update coordinates on every address change.
* Add: Update cached files after one week.
* Change: Include "OpenStreetMap.js" only if needed.
* Remove: TS option "path_openstreetmap" (can be changed in the layer element).
* Add: Ma
1.1.0 / stable
April 11, 2010
* Add: Layer field for static javascript and static url.
* Add: Base layer "http://openpistemap.org/".
* Add: First marker to static map.

1.0.0 / stable
April 09, 2010
* Incompatible change: Base layers as more flexible database elements. Please update your configuration if you didn't use Mapnik.
* Incompatible change: Cleanup map control options: Renamed show_navigation to mouse_navigation, show_pan_zoom_bar to show
0.6.1 / beta
April 06, 2010
* Add: TS option for script path.
* Add: TS option for additional layerswitcher options.
* Add: CycleMap.

0.6.0 / beta
April 02, 2010
* Add: Layerswitcher. (Thanks to Markus Volkmer)
* Add: Static Osmarender map.
* Bugfix: Show fe_groups marker.
* Bugfix: Allow negative values in offset.
* Update: Documentation.

0.5.0 / beta
March 22, 2010
* Add: Get items from pages, fe_groups, tt_address_group.
* Add: Set icon in group.
* Add: Optional local javascript and image files.
* Update: Documentation.

0.4.0 / beta
March 15, 2010
* Add: Marker popups.
* Change: Javascript cleanup.
* Update: Documentation.

0.3.1 / beta
March 05, 2010
* Add: Documentation.
* Add: absRefPrefix.
* Bugfix: Allow negative longitude.
0.3.0 / beta
March 02, 2010
* Add: Show GPX tracks.
* Change: Optimize database fields.

0.2.0 / alpha
February 27, 2010
* Add: Coordinate selection wizard.
* Add: Coordinates in fe_users.
0.1.0 / alpha
February 25, 2010
Initial release