
Heise Shariff Heise Shariff

rx_shariff / stable

Shariff implementation for TYPO3 CMS including the backend module, a viewhelper and a plugin.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req reelworx/rx-shariff


#Shariff #social #media #Facebook #twitter #google #heise #share #googleplus #linkedin #pinterest #xing #whatsapp #mail #addthis #tumblr #flattr #diaspora #reddit #stumbleupon #threema #weibo #tencent-weibo #qzone #vk

Last upload comment

Fixed v11 support

Downloads by month

Download 15.2.1 Extension Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org Crowdin translations
Markus Klein
Reelworx GmbH
Last update
23. Oct 2024
First upload
26. Feb 2015
Frontend Plugins
  • PHP (8.0.0 - 8.3.99)
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 13.4.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req reelworx/rx-shariff to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (4)

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
15.2.1 / stable
October 23, 2024
Fixed v11 support
11.5.0 - 13.4.99 Download
15.2.0 / stable
October 19, 2024
* Added support for TYPO3 v13
* Migrated documentation rendering
11.5.0 - 13.4.99 Download
15.1.2 / stable
March 27, 2024
Fix: Properly include TS in TYPO3 v12
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.1.1 / stable
February 20, 2024
Allow PHP 8.3 in ext_emconf as well
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.1.0 / stable
February 20, 2024
Allow PHP 8.3
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.0.7 / stable
September 18, 2023
Fix: Do not set language in viewhelper if no TYPO3 request object is present
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.0.5 / stable
July 13, 2023
Added missing Services.yaml, which makes the plugin working again
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.0.4 / stable
June 16, 2023
Ship our own version of jQuery and do not rely on Core anymore
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.0.3 / stable
April 26, 2023
Corrected version number in TER release
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
15.0.1 / stable
April 26, 2023
* Dropped TYPO3 v10 support
* Added TYPO3 v12 support
11.5.0 - 12.4.99 Download
14.0.2 / stable
November 02, 2021
Fixed plugin registration
10.4.21 - 11.5.99 Download
14.0.0 / stable
October 20, 2021
Dropped TYPO3 v8 and v9 support
Allowed installation in v11 (alpha-testing)
Removed global :ts:`plugin.rx_shariff.data-backend-url`
Introduced dedicated log file by default (infix "shariff")

10.4.21 - 11.5.99 Download
13.1.1 / stable
December 10, 2020
Updated composer.json to include extension key
8.7.0 - 10.4.99 Download
13.1.0 / stable
October 10, 2020
* ViewHelper displays all services if none is defined via arguments
* Documentation update (Fluid-only integration)
8.7.0 - 10.4.99 Download
13.0.4 / stable
September 29, 2020
* jQuery inclusion fixed for TYPO3 9+
8.7.0 - 10.4.99 Download
13.0.3 / stable
February 29, 2020
Updated shariff-backend-php to version 9.0.2
8.7.0 - 10.4.99 Download
13.0.2 / stable
February 25, 2020
* Fixed language handling if no language is available
* Updated shariff-backend to version 9.0.1
8.7.0 - 10.4.99 Download
13.0.0 / stable
February 19, 2020
* Added support for TYPO3 v10
* Added PHP 7.4 support
* Dropped support for TYPO3 v7
* Removed a lot of now unneeded code
8.7.0 - 10.3.99 Download
12.3.0 / stable
January 13, 2020
* Updated shariff-backend to version 8.2.2
* Added crowdin support
7.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
12.1.1 / stable
September 11, 2019
Bugfix for TYPO3 v9
7.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
12.1.0 / stable
June 04, 2019
* Updated shariff to version 3.2.1
- Added buffer service
- Font Awesome to version 5.8.1
- Updated XING share URL
- More translations
* Updated shariff-backend to version 8.1.1
- Added buffer service
7.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
12.0.0 / stable
January 29, 2019
* Updated shariff to version 3.1.1
- Added Pocket service
- Removed Google+ service
* Updated shariff-backend to version 8.0.0
* Dropped support for PHP 7.0
* Added PHP 7.3 support
7.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
11.1.0 / stable
October 17, 2018
TYPO3 version 9 LTS compatibility
7.6.0 - 9.5.99 Download
11.0.2 / stable
May 16, 2018
Add Guzzle library again for TYPO3 v7
Allow selection of all services in plugin
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
11.0.1 / stable
April 23, 2018
Fixes namespace bug by adding Heise namespaces to composer.json
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
11.0.0 / stable
April 20, 2018
* Dropped support for PHP < 7.0 and for TYPO3 v6.2
* Uses guzzle from core
* Updated shariff to version 3.0.1
- Uses Font Awesome 5 now
- Bootstrap 4 compatibility
- New option data-button-style
7.6.0 - 8.7.99 Download
10.3.3 / stable
April 20, 2018
SECURITY release
Fixes XSS issue with Twitter share button
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 Download
10.3.2 / stable
March 20, 2018
* ATTENTION: This is the last release with TYPO3 6.2 support
* PHP 7.2 support
* Fixed default value for mail-url
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.3.1 / stable
February 23, 2018
* Updated shariff to version 2.1.3
- Updated translations
- Some bugfixes
* Updated shariff-backend to version 7.1.1
- Removed GooglePlus support
- Updated Facebook Graph API to version 2.12
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.3.0 / stable
February 02, 2018
* Updated shariff to version 2.1.2
- Added VK service
- Added Telegram service
- Improved security of links with target="_blank"
- Fixed SEO friendliness by adding rel="nofollow" to all button links
* Updated shariff-backend to version 7.
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.2.1 / stable
November 20, 2017
Updated shariff-backend to version 7.0.1.
This fixes issues with newer Facebook accounts not showing the share count.
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.2.0 / stable
October 25, 2017
* Updated shariff to version 2.0.1
This fixes IE issues
* Allow explicit definition of language via plugin or TypoScript again.
This may cause unexpected language selection in FE when a plugin was
created before version 7.3.0 because these plugi
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.1.0 / stable
September 06, 2017
* Updated shariff to version 1.26.2
* Added new static templates to include the new complete-JS of Shariff, which does not depend on jQuery anymore.
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.0.1 / stable
May 04, 2017
* Fixed Fluid template to work in TYPO3 6.2 as well
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
10.0.0 / stable
March 30, 2017
* BREAKING: The Facebook backend now always needs an app id and an API secret the former FQL mode has been removed.
* Updated shariff-backend to version 7.0.0
* Updated shariff to version 1.24.1
6.2.9 - 8.7.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
9.0.1 / stable
November 05, 2016
* The cache for share counts now uses the correct cache backend,
so entries are expired correctly now.
* Documentation fixes
6.2.9 - 8.5.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
9.0.0 / stable
October 03, 2016
* BREAKING: The static templates have been renamed and need to be re-included.
Moreover, including a static template is now mandatory.
* Feature: The plugin options can be defiend via TypoScript now.
* Documentation has been updated to the new render
6.2.9 - 8.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.3.1 / stable
July 12, 2016
Fixed composer.json information to comply with EMCONF
6.2.9 - 8.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.3.0 / stable
July 10, 2016
* Fixed a bug which caused too many attributes on the final div tag
* CMS 8 compatibility
* The language of the share buttons is chosen according to FE language
* The extension is now translatable via TYPO3 Translation Server
6.2.9 - 8.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.2.0 / stable
June 29, 2016
* Updated shariff to version 1.24.0
* Shariff-backend errors are logged to the default TYPO3 log file (typo3temp/(var/)logs/typo3_*.log)
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.1.1 / stable
May 14, 2016
Bugfix: Shariff backend can be disabled again when using the viewhelper
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.1.0 / stable
May 11, 2016
Allow the usage of universal tag attributes on the view helper
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.0.2 / stable
April 01, 2016
* Update shariff-backend to version 5.2.3
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.0.1 / stable
March 07, 2016
Fix "allowedDomains" setting not shown in EM
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
7.0.0 / stable
February 19, 2016
* BREAKING change: Please refer to the changelog in the manual before updating.
* Update shariff-backend to version 5.1.0
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
6.0.0 / stable
February 03, 2016
* Attention: PHP support is now 5.5 - 7.0
* Updated shariff-backend to version 5.0.0

(This is breaking for those who use CMS 6.2 with PHP < 5.5)
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
5.2.0 / stable
January 27, 2016
Updated shariff to version 1.23.0
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
5.1.1 / stable
January 19, 2016
* Fixed URL encoding of Facebook again
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
5.1.0 / stable
January 19, 2016
* Updated shariff to version 1.22.0
* Updated to shariff-backend version 3.0.1
* Fix URL encoding issues for some stat providers
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
5.0.2 / stable
December 15, 2015
Fix PHP syntax error in PHP <= 5.4
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
5.0.1 / stable
November 24, 2015
* Updated to shariff-backend version 2.0.0
* Removed Twitter support for backend due to termination of the API by Twitter.
* Fix various issues with FlexForms
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
4.1.0 / stable
November 09, 2015
* Updated shariff to version 1.21.0
* PSR-7 compliant eID handling for CMS 7
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
4.0.0 / stable
November 04, 2015
* Breaking: Stylesheets have been moved to new Public/Css directory
* Updated shariff to version 1.20.0
* Updated shariff-php to version 1.6.0
6.2.9 - 7.99.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
3.0.0 / stable
September 16, 2015
* Breaking: Javascript is included as normal footer JS and not as footer lib
* Updated shariff to version 1.18.0
6.2.9 - 7.4.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.4.0 / stable
September 11, 2015
Update to shariff version 1.17.1
6.2.9 - 7.4.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.3.0 / stable
August 11, 2015
* Declare compatibility with CMS 7.4* Add composer.json* Updated shariff to version 1.16.0
6.2.9 - 7.4.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.2.0 / stable
June 30, 2015
Update to shariff 1.15.0
6.2.9 - 7.3.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.1.0 / stable
June 02, 2015
* Regression fix: Use guzzle 5.3 (6.0 slipped in by accident)
* Updated shariff to version 1.14.0
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.0.0 / stable
May 27, 2015
* Update shariff backend to version 1.5.0
* Use native TYPO3 caching framework instead of bundled one
* Add Frontend plugin with FlexForms configuration (Thanks to Frank Nägler)
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.8.0 / stable
May 15, 2015
* Added static TypoScript templates
* New "services" attribute for the viewhelper to ease syntax

Thanks to Frank Nägler for supplying these improvements.
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.7.0 / stable
May 12, 2015
Update shariff JS to version 1.13.0
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.6.0 / stable
May 08, 2015
Update shariff JS to version 1.12.0
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.1 / stable
April 30, 2015
* Documentation updates
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.5.0 / stable
April 30, 2015
* Update Shariff to version 1.11.0

* Documentation updates

* TYPO3 CMS 7.2 compatibility
6.2.9 - 7.2.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.0 / stable
April 16, 2015
Update shariff to version 1.10.0
6.2.9 - 7.1.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.0 / stable
April 08, 2015
Update shariff to version 1.9.3
6.2.9 - 7.1.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.2.0 / stable
March 20, 2015
Update shariff to version 1.8.0
6.2.9 - 7.1.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.0 / stable
February 26, 2015
* Important viewhelper bugfix
* shariff JS update to 1.7.4
6.2.9 - 7.1.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.0.0 / stable
February 26, 2015
Release of version 1.0
6.2.10 - 7.1.99 not available
due to vulnerabilities