Advanced versions at Documented in the E-Book "Der TYPO3-Webshop" - Shop with listing in multiple languages, with order tracking, product variants, support for transactor extension, bill, creditpoint and voucher system.
This Extension offers the possibility to add a searchbox to your Typo3 powered website which submits the searchvalue to the Indexed Search Engine plugin without any result list output. The extension has a Fluid template which is easy to modify.
It arranges multiple contents into one content element with multiple columns, accordions, tabs, slider, slidedeck, easyAccordion or Booklet. This extension will also extend tt_news with two new lists.
It brings the deprecated TYPO3 4.x class tslib_feTCE and the processScript FEData setup with new features partly back into TYPO3 10 and later. This is needed by extensions based on the former TYPO3 FORM like tt_board and tt_guest. Only form MAIL and form wizards additionally require code provided by the extension compatibility6.
TypoScript condition which will only be executed if a named extension has been installed in a given version number. Add parameters and a return value comparison to userFunc. TYPO3 core patch #10011.
Extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection and \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection to show Errors and Debug-Messages. Debugging of sql-queries by debug and FileWriter.
This contains a base class which you can use to make your extensions independant from any specific table. And it can be used to make multiple language support with a separate language overlay table or by a CSV file.
Generate easily RSS / ATOM feeds based on the latest content of any tables in the database. Can deal with flexform content and multilingual / multidomain websites.
Insert a slideshow into your page or template. Manage the images, captions and hrefs recursively in the pagetree and show it in a jQuery-Cycle, Coin-Slider, Nivo-Slider or Cross-Slider.