Collection of patches for the Backend Layout
see issue #99434 on the TYPO3 Core bug tracker
This library offers classes and functions to other TYPO3 extensions. Replacement for tslib_pibase methods.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Advanced versions at Documented in the E-Book "Der TYPO3-Webshop" - Shop with listing in multiple languages, with order tracking, product variants, support for transactor extension, bill, creditpoint and voucher system.
Supported TYPO3 versions:It arranges multiple contents into one content element with multiple columns, accordions, tabs, slider, slidedeck, easyAccordion or Booklet.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This extension adds more types to the Constants Editor. This is a patch for TYPO3.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This generates a PHP debug output file. FileWriter into debug
Supported TYPO3 versions:This provides the PhpSpreadsheet library, formerly phpExcel from phpOffice.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Simple threaded (tree) or list message board (forum).
Supported TYPO3 versions:This Extension offers the possibility to add a searchbox to your Typo3 powered website which submits the searchvalue to the Indexed Search Engine plugin without any result list output. The extension has a Fluid template which is easy to modify.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This extension adds a new content element which will get a new Christian Watchword (bible verse) every day.
Supported TYPO3 versions:It brings the deprecated TYPO3 4.x class tslib_feTCE and the processScript FEData setup with new features partly back into TYPO3 10 and later. This is needed by extensions based on the former TYPO3 FORM like tt_board and tt_guest. Only form MAIL and form wizards additionally require code provided by the extension compatibility6.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Enhancements to the Extension Manager (em].
Supported TYPO3 versions:Provides the possibility to transact payments via PayPal based on Webpayment Standard using the Payment Transactor extension.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This is a basic API to develop extensions which connect to different payment transaction gateways.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Backend extension to manage voucher codes for FE users. This works together with tt_products and agency.
Supported TYPO3 versions:A library to download ZIP files. ZipStream-PHP
Supported TYPO3 versions:This provides the PHPWord library from phpOffice.
Supported TYPO3 versions:A library to read, parse and export to PDF SVG files.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This provides the PHP-CSS-Parser.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This provides the DOMPDF library. Consider to install the extensions base_font, base_htmlparser and base_svg .
Supported TYPO3 versions:Library for handling Matrices (PHPMatrix)
Supported TYPO3 versions:Standards compliant HTML5 parser and serializer written in PHP (html5-php)
Supported TYPO3 versions:Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP (htmlpurifier)
Supported TYPO3 versions:This provides the dompdf PHP Font Lib (php-font-lib].
Supported TYPO3 versions:A library to deal with complex numbers. (PHPComplex)
Supported TYPO3 versions:Common interfaces for simple caching psr/simple-cache.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This extension makes available the setup of the master template. Originally developed by the NRW user group.
Supported TYPO3 versions:tt_products Extension with automatic PDF bill generation using the TCPDF library. Works with tt_products 2.14.3-3.5.99
Supported TYPO3 versions:Tables and functions used for dealing with taxes
Supported TYPO3 versions:TypoScript condition which will only be executed if a named extension has been installed in a given version number. Add parameters and a return value comparison to userFunc. TYPO3 core patch #10011.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Italian (it) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Spanish (es) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Danish (da) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on.
Supported TYPO3 versions:German (de) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Collection of patches for the Backend Layout
Supported TYPO3 versions:Hierarchical categories for tt_products. Works with tt_products and other tables.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Enhancement to the xajax extension with TYPO3 specific code.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Many translations of standard texts for shops. Additional example templates and icons for the tt_products shop system version 2.14 and later.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection and \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection to show Errors and Debug-Messages. Debugging of sql-queries by debug and FileWriter.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This contains a base class which you can use to make your extensions independant from any specific table. And it can be used to make multiple language support with a separate language overlay table or by a CSV file.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This library offers the t3skin icons.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Generate easily RSS / ATOM feeds based on the latest content of any tables in the database. Can deal with flexform content and multilingual / multidomain websites.
Supported TYPO3 versions:An improved variant of Kasper Skårhøj’s Front End User Admin extension.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This provides the Laminas Escaper XSS prevention library.
Supported TYPO3 versions:A library to deal with complex numbers. (PHPComplex)
Supported TYPO3 versions:Collection of patches for the cache and the link generation
Supported TYPO3 versions:Insert a slideshow into your page or template. Manage the images, captions and hrefs recursively in the pagetree and show it in a jQuery-Cycle, Coin-Slider, Nivo-Slider or Cross-Slider.
Supported TYPO3 versions:Modified foundby select box entries for tt_products
Supported TYPO3 versions:tt_products Extension with automatic Excel bill generation using the PhpSpreadsheet library. Works with tt_products 3.1.99
Supported TYPO3 versions:Export of the current shop basket into an Excel file in the form of a quotation.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This extends the import extension for the conversion from comments to tt_board
Supported TYPO3 versions:This helps you to import data from text files or tables into the tables of TYPO3 or extensions.
Supported TYPO3 versions:This extends the import extension for the conversion from nicosdirectory to tt_address
Supported TYPO3 versions:Version | Upload comment | Works with TYPO3 | Download |
0.1.0 /
January 05, 2023 |
see issue #99434 on the TYPO3 Core bug tracker
11.5.0 - 11.5.99 | Download |