
Events Events

t3events / stable

Manage events, show teasers, list and single views.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Composer support

composer req dwenzel/t3events

Last upload comment


Downloads by month

Download 1.0.2 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Packagist.org
Dirk Wenzel, Michael Kasten
Agentur Webfox GmbH, Consulting Piezunka Schamoni - Information Technologies GmbH
Last update
07. Aug 2019
First upload
29. Jan 2013
Frontend Plugins


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req dwenzel/t3events to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (2)

Extension Tools

Provides tools for extensions

Supported TYPO3 versions:


Supported TYPO3 versions:

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
1.0.2 / stable
August 07, 2019
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 Download
1.0.0 / beta
July 08, 2019
8.7.0 - 9.5.99 Download
0.37.3 / beta
February 05, 2018
This is a bugfix release. Please see https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.37.3 for details
7.6.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.37.2 / beta
October 25, 2017
This is a bugfix release. Please see https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.37.2 for details.
7.6.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.37.1 / beta
October 05, 2017
This is a bugfix version. Please see https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.37.1 for details
7.6.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.35.0 / beta
August 11, 2017
This is a feature and bugfix release. Please see https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.35.0 for details.
7.6.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.34.0 / beta
June 29, 2017
This is a maintenance release. Please see https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.34.0 for details.
7.6.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.33.1 / beta
May 24, 2017
This is a bufix version. Please see ChangeLog for details.
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.33.0 / beta
May 05, 2017
Events now supports TYPO3 version 8.7. Future versions will not support TYPO3 6.x any more. See: https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.33.0 for details.
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.32.0 / beta
March 27, 2017
This is a maintenance release which fixes several minor issues. Please see https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.32.0 for details
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.31.2 / beta
March 16, 2017
This is a hotfix release. If fixes an issue where the list view of events did not respect the sorting from plugin configuration. (Thanks for reporting and providing a fix to Marco Pfeiffer)
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.31.1 / beta
March 11, 2017
This is a hotfix release for issue #52
Fatal error: missing class CalendarItemStorage (caused by wrong version of constraint of t3calendar).
See https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.31.1 for details.
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.31.0 / beta
January 05, 2017
Breaking changes - please see release notes: https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.31.0
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.30.0 / beta
December 15, 2016
Major changes - please see release notes: https://github.com/dwenzel/t3events/releases/tag/0.30.0
6.2.0 - 8.99.99 Download
0.16.2 / beta
April 16, 2015
Bugfix release. t3events now works for TYPO3 version 6.2.0 - 7.1.99
6.2.0 - 7.1.99 Download
0.16.1 / beta
February 24, 2015
This is a bugfix release for minor issues. Please see ChangeLog for details.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
0.16.0 / beta
December 04, 2014
From this version on t3events requires TYPO3 version 6.2.
There are no new features. See Changelog for details.
Please make shure to clean all caches after update.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
0.15.0 / beta
August 08, 2014
From this version on t3events requires TYPO3 version 6.2.
There are no new features.
Please make shure to clean all caches after update.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
0.14.1 / beta
July 19, 2013
added some translations in locallang.xml
4.6.0 - 6.1.1 Download
0.14.0 / beta
July 16, 2013
[Feature] #50071 HeaderData ViewHelper, [Feature] #50070 MetaTag ViewHelper, Trim ViewHelper implemented
4.6.0 - 6.1.1 Download
0.13.0 / beta
July 11, 2013
[FEATURE] #49899 Title Tag ViewHelper - display title tag and set title for indexed search. Example: <ts:titleTag>{event.headline}</ts:titleTag>
4.6.0 - 6.1.1 Download
0.12.1 / beta
June 27, 2013
Bugfixes: issue #49407 typo3-debug-console message: selectItemsTCA in class tx_staticinfotables_div, hotlist feature replaced by suggest wizard in TCA for EventLocation, issue #49390Plugin Configuration changed to prevent non-caching behaviour of list plu
4.6.0 - 6.1.1 Download
0.12.0 / beta
June 16, 2013
Successfully tested with TYPO3 6.1.1
New Feature: Events are now aware of fe user group access rights.
New task for scheduler implemented: hide performances by date.
4.6.0 - 6.1.1 Download
0.11.0 / beta
June 16, 2013
Successfully tested with TYPO3 6.1.1
New Feature: Events are now aware of fe user group access rights.
New task for scheduler implemented: hide performances by date.
4.6.0 - 6.1.1 Download
0.10.3 / beta
June 10, 2013
Bugfix for issue #48982 Plugin shows INVALID VALUE... instead of plugin type.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.10.2 / beta
June 10, 2013
Bugfix for issue #48982 Plugin shows INVALID VALUE... instead of plugin type.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.10.1 / beta
June 06, 2013
fixed broken itemProcFunc in plugin flexform caused by line break
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.10.0 / beta
June 06, 2013
New features: plugin namespace: plugin namespace can now be set thus allowing to use multiple plugin instances on one page
plugin layout: new field in plugin allows setting a layout value which can be used in fluid template.
listAction of EventController
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.9.2 / beta
May 30, 2013
Changed TCA of performance: sort select field for event location by name.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.9.1 / beta
May 26, 2013
Bugfix for issue #48537: List Plugin does not respect time restriction when venue is set.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.9.0 / beta
May 24, 2013
New feature: List plugin now allows flexible filtering by time period (issue #48439)
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.8.3 / beta
May 22, 2013
Bugfixes for issues #48428 Performances are not sorted correctly in frontend, #48006 List Plugin prevents caching, #48017 List Plugin doesn\'t show more than 100 events
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.8.1 / beta
May 02, 2013
Bugfix for issue #47851 \'Scheduler task fails when an event has no location\'.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.8.0 / beta
May 02, 2013
New features and bugfixes. Please read carefully. New viewhelper event.performances.locations.count. Fix for issue #47820 \'Show event location only once for multiple performances at the same location\'. See issue on forge for usage. Fix for issue #47825
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.7.2 / beta
April 23, 2013
fix for bug 47512: List Plugin does not respect genre constraint
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.7.1 / beta
April 23, 2013
fix for bug 47503: List Plugin doesn\'t respect venue constraint
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.7.0 / beta
April 18, 2013
New Feature: Teaser-Plugin now allows to select upcoming/past/all events.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.6.6 / beta
April 08, 2013
FE Plugin can now be configured as non-cached.
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.6.5 / beta
April 05, 2013
All image fields now allow to select existing images.

TCA cleanup.

FE Plugin now allows to select random teaser (Attention! this feature is still experimental. It works only with MySQL DB and without caching!)

TYPO3 version constraint changed: curren
4.6.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.6.4 / beta
March 27, 2013
Bug Fixes, changes to TCA, TypoScript and default CSS, and code cleanup:
Issues [Bug #46493], [Bug #46495], [Bug #46499] fixed.
Please save the old CSS file before updating and adapt your TypoScript.
4.5.0 - 6.0.4 Download
0.6.0 / beta
March 17, 2013
New Features: Domain Model Task for automatic update via scheduler and scheduler task implemented. Some localization for backend added.

4.5.0 - 4.7.99 Download
0.5.0 / beta
February 27, 2013
New features - Teaser now contains field for external link (Partial Teaser/Item.html changed). Event List and Quick Menus now allow filtering by event type. Localization of BE improved. Code cleanup.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.4.0 / beta
February 26, 2013
New Features. Please update your database and check your plugin settings.
Event records now contain new field venue. Quick Menu allows filtering event list by venues (template file QuickMenu.html changed!). Some test cases added.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.12 / beta
February 18, 2013
Fatal error of teaser plugin fixed. Failing unit tests fixed. Code cleanup.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.11 / beta
February 18, 2013
Fatal error of teaser plugin fixed. Failing unit tests fixed. Code cleanup.
0.3.10 / beta
February 17, 2013
code cleanup (rules compliance improved)
0.3.9 / beta
February 16, 2013
Fixed bug which prevented teaser plugin from showing correct amount of teasers (please adapt your plugin settings!) [Bug 45525]. Documentation improved.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.8 / beta
February 15, 2013
Fixed bug which prevented quick menu from working. Debug messages from teaser template removed.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.7 / beta
February 14, 2013
mistake with exclude field in last version corrected
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.6 / beta
February 14, 2013
TicketClass title and color are now exclude fields.
PerformancesViewhelper:getLowestPrice() now allways returns float as expected.
Partial Teaser/Item changed: displays price only when at least one performance with a ticketClass is available [Bug 45457]
0.3.5 / beta
February 12, 2013
[44945] Plugin is now configurable to show only past, only future or all events (list view).
Fancy icons for records added.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.4 / beta
January 30, 2013
BUGFIXES: Debug view helper removed from pagination template. Teaser item respectS inheritData settings. BE label for performances now contains date and name of event location. Extension icon added.
>= 4.5.0 Download
0.3.3 / beta
January 29, 2013
initial upload
>= 4.5.0 Download