
AJAX Social Network Components AJAX Social Network Components

toctoc_comments / stable

AJAX-based commenting, review, rating and sharing system (jQuery) for TYPO3 4.5 to 8.x. Comments or reviews can have webpage previews, pictures and pdfs attached. You can use BB-Codes, emojis and smilies. Userpictures include gravatar-, Facebook- or fe_users-userpictures. More plugin-modes for comments are available, a user center, a recent comments list, a report bad comment form and several charts. Many looks for ratings by voting stars and Facebook-like iLikes. Usage of scopes for categorized ratings. There is a plugin-mode for top ratings. Many options for spam- and data-protection. AJAX runs with jQuery. ViewHelpers for extension news. Comments, reviews or ratings can trigger content elements, pages or records in other extensions DETAIL-views and LIST-views (LIST-view tt_news, news, modify all other pi1-extensions in PHP and implement a new marker or ViewHelper for comments and ratings in LIST-views). Includes full featured AJAX Login and Sign Up, including login with Facebook or Google account. Backendmodule for comments, users and system control Works with TemplaVoila, tx_news, tt_news, tt_products, community, cwt_community and most of all other extensions. Designable from included LESS-model

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3


#Comments #Ratings #Reviews #AJAX-Login #likes #charts #login #signup #social #network #components

Last upload comment

Compatibility TYPO3 8.7 LTS
Compatibility jQuery v3: When you use jQuery v3, then please set new TS-Setup-option advanced.usesjQuery3 = 1 (default 0)
Fixed links to images in administrators-eID-replies when using https
Fixed problem with likes on pagemode

Downloads by month

Download 9.2.10 External Manual Found an Issue? Code Insights Donate and Give Kudos
Gisele Wendl
TocToc Internetmanagement
Last update
13. Apr 2017
First upload
20. Aug 2012
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (4.5.0 - 8.9.99)
  • PHP (5.5.0 - 7.9.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
9.2.10 / stable
April 13, 2017
Compatibility TYPO3 8.7 LTS
Compatibility jQuery v3: When you use jQuery v3, then please set new TS-Setup-option advanced.usesjQuery3 = 1 (default 0)
Fixed links to images in administrators-eID-replies when using https
Fixed problem with likes on pagemode
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.9 / stable
February 14, 2017
Fixed PHP Warning concerning str_replace() in BackendAjaxAdministration.php on line 398 (Issue: Cache wasn\'t properly refreshed after Updates of comments in backend module)
Fixed duplicate CSS entry in CSS for flowplayer
Fixed 2 unused markers in Toprati
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.8 / stable
December 22, 2016
Fixed missing votes and likes in usercenter - votes and likes-panel showed only the last 3 likes or votes ... which was obviously wrong
Fixed error with comments required fields, required fields have passed the test even if empty, now they are required a
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.7 / stable
December 06, 2016
Fixed missing comments in plugins linked with \'Trigger optional record\' to a database record and \'Triggering prefix\' set to the correct plugin-to-table-map
Fixed deletion of mailconf-entries (delete was not respecting advanced.emailValidDays)
Fixed mi
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.6 / stable
November 17, 2016
Fixed: errors when sending notification email in plaintext format
Fixed: changed blob-fields to medium blob in the new cache tables
Update: strict use of t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(\'REMOTE_ADDR\') to avoid private IPs
Fixed: static IP-Blocklist did not move t
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.5 / stable
October 23, 2016
Resolved all $TCA-migration messages in TYPO3 8.4.0 Installtool
Fixed: PHP warnings on AJAX-calls in TYPO3 8.4.0
Removed topSharings totally
Fixed: problem with user pictures in the commenting form containing special chars
Fixed: User pictures from Facebo
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.4 / stable
October 21, 2016
Problem with RealURL-Hook, PHP script documentation help destroyed the file in 9.2.2/9.2.3
Fixed: On install under TYPO3 8.4.0 ext_tables.sql causes an error (missing commas)
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.3 / stable
October 17, 2016
Problem with BackendAjaxAdministration, PHP script documentation help destroyed a file in 9.2.2
Fixed problem with missing cache entries. V9.2.0, v9.2.1, v9.2.2. please update immediately to this version to avoid problems
Edit comments in backendmodule: F
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.2 / stable
October 17, 2016
Fixed problem with missing cache entries. V9.2.0, v9.2.1 please update immediately to this version to avoid problems
Edit comments in backendmodule: Fixed error with the link back from the comment to the backend module in TYPO3 7.6 and newer
New comment i
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.1 / stable
October 06, 2016
Fixed problems with table-definitions for the new caching tables
Fixed missing cache-refresh after comments and comment*ratings on records (using plugin-to-table-maps)
Added option attachments.useFlowPlayer - FlowPlayer, even the newest version is full wi
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.2.0 / stable
September 30, 2016
Removed old CSS files, now all frontend CSS is generated from LESS
Added Cache for rendered plugins in database. This cache expires on changes of the data or after the value specified in option dbCacheTimeout (7 days by default)
Reduced size of plugin by
4.5.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.1.1 / stable
July 11, 2016
Fixed errors with AJAX-Login when compatibility6 is loaded
Fixed issues with Chrome/Safari on PC when saving emoLikes
Fixed JS-error in IE 11 for emoLike-Popup (did not show up)
Fixed CSS-gap for shortlikes with sharing
Fixed CSS-gap for sharing design 2
4.3.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.1.0 / stable
June 12, 2016
Added new emoLikes, similar to Facebook reactions (new default, ratings.emoLike = 1)
5 emoLike-sets with different icons available: Default, Facebook, Food, News and Music
emoLike-icons can be moved, left out, even own emoLike-sets can be created and used
4.3.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.0.2 / stable
March 29, 2016
Fixed an error with SessionCompression
Compatibility TYPO3 8.0
Added a Garbage-collector deleting old sessions from clients which do not use cookies
Fixed problems with webpage-previews which emerged with version 9.0.0, related to new session management

4.3.0 - 8.9.99 Download
9.0.1 / stable
March 11, 2016
Note: No update of the manuals for Bugfix-releases x.x.+1
Fixed problem with AJAX-posted pi-Vars (such as comment title, first name, last name) when using multi-byte character set like Cyrillic
Fixed double entry in static templates list under TYPO3 6.2 a
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
9.0.0 / stable
February 29, 2016
New responsive backend module, full AJAX (for TYPO3 6 and 7)
New backend module allows table-maintenance (optimization) in database
Extension option use_OldBackendModule enables switching between AJAX (default) and non-AJAX (old) backend module
Even old b
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
8.1.2 / stable
January 08, 2016
Added Extension Configuration option new_Hours. If there\'s a new comment or new user newer than the specified time, then the backend module icon changes and gets one or two stars. In backend module you find then more detailed information about the news.

4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
8.1.1 / stable
December 15, 2015
Fixed empty file in LESS-compiler distributed in TER-version of 8.1.0.
Fixed occasional too small user pic in user center
Fixed missing links in top ratings for ratings on records from extensions with no numeric showUid (tx_restdoc)
Fixed problem with com
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
8.1.0 / stable
November 29, 2015
TYPO3 7.6 compatibility release
Added support for comments and ratings on extensions without numeric ShowUid-parameter value (e.g. the Sphinx rest documentation viewer)
Fixed wrong links from Top-Ratings to Comments in Extensions with Multiparameter-Table
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
8.0.0 / stable
October 29, 2015
Updated the documentation to the rst-format
Added support for LESS: All of the frontends CSS can be accessed in a LESS-model in res/less: theme.refreshCSSFromLESS = 1
For the new LESS-Mode in res/css/themes new .less-files holding the themes colors and b
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
7.4.2 / stable
August 25, 2015
Added little documentation in rst-format
Useragent for toctoc_commentsnow identifies as \'TocTocCommentsExternalhit/1.1 (+https://www.toctoc.ch/en/home/toctoc-comments/)\', as we updated our site
4.3.0 - 7.4.99 Download
7.4.1 / stable
August 19, 2015
Compatibility TYPO3 7.4
Useragent for toctoc_comments Webpage preview function (that accesses other websites), IP-List requests to spamhaus.org, requests from sharrre, requests to facebook from the AJAX-Login now identify as \'TocTocCommentsExternalhit/1.
4.3.0 - 7.4.99 Download
7.4.0 / stable
July 15, 2015
AJAX-Login: There\'s a new TS option which allows to require COI from new users: If set to 1 they must confirm their e-mail by changing their password from a link sent to the new user by mail.
register.signupConfirmEmail = 0
New options to control crawle
4.3.0 - 7.3.99 Download
7.3.0 / stable
April 24, 2015
Added Login with Google+: You need create a google app on https://console.developers.google.com/project?authuser=0 and use ClientID and ClientSecret to enable the feature
How to add an app on Google? See https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/add-butt
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
7.2.0 / stable
March 27, 2015
Compatibility with toctoccommentsce - new wrapper for toctoc_comments in content elements.
New popup message in the frontend if problems with jQuery are detected.
Extended comments search to authors names.
After login with the stand alone AJAX Login, new
4.3.0 - 7.9.99 Download
7.1.0 / stable
March 06, 2015
Added Plugin mode Comment Search, new TypoScript-options section \"search\" holds 7 options allowing customizing the search.
Added gender to fe_users, if not already there, added gender to fe_users TCA if not present yet.
Added error message if commenter
4.3.0 - 7.0.99 Download
7.0.1 / stable
February 17, 2015
* Added refresh of spamhaus banned IPs to the backend administration interface, removed old files in /resources
* Fixed function getPreserveGetVars() in class.toctoc_comments_felogin_pi1.php to be fully compatible with TYPO3 older than version 4.7
* Add
4.3.0 - 7.0.99 Download
7.0.0 / stable
December 21, 2014
* Compatibility TYPO3 7 with or without EXT:compatibility6 installed, compatibility now covers TYPO3 versions 4.3 up to 7.0
* Compatibility PHP 5.6
* Fixed JS-error and wrong height of website-previews window when using captcha to confirm comment
* Beauti
4.3.0 - 7.0.99 Download
6.0.0 / stable
December 06, 2014
* Added TypoScript option advanced.commentReviews. When set to 1, then commenting is considered as reviewing: A review is a rating with a comment.
Only logged in users can write reviews. Reviews can be commented and rated like normal comments. At the base
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.5.0 / stable
October 15, 2014
Minor changes in the template for data protection features, please update
Cookies from not logged in users are no longer stored in clear text
With TypoScript-option advanced.acceptTermsCondsOnSubmit specify an ID of your page with term and conditions, the
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.4.1 / stable
September 12, 2014
Fixed bug comment insertion fails with MySQL 5.5.+
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.4.0 / stable
September 11, 2014
Minor changes in the template, please update, users of TYPO3 4.x please run database update in extension manager
- Added hotlink to notification emails on already approved comments
- Added TypoScript option advanced.notificationLevel: email-notifications
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.3.0 / stable
July 27, 2014
Added gravatar user pictures with TypoScript option advanced.gravatarEnable.
Max shown gravatar-rating can be configured with advanced.gravatarRating
Defaultpictures in \"gravatar\"-mode remain existing user-pictures.
To prevent errors when gravatar.com
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.2.2 / stable
July 07, 2014
- CSS by toctoc_comments is now compressed by default. New option theme.crunchCSS enables (default) or disables the compression
- Username for logged in facebook users displays now as first- and last name with link to the facebook profile page
- Changed C
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.2.1 / stable
June 10, 2014
* Fixed PHP Warning that appeared when page.IncludeJS or page.IncludeJSLibs is not set
* removed console.log print out from jquery.elastic
* fixed wrong conversion of BB-Code [bq] when editing comments
* Set PHP compatibility to 5.2.0-5.5.99

4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.2.0 / stable
June 01, 2014
* Please change to the new template
* Changed display of youtube-videos to the new embed-style, which allows videos to be seen also on tablets and handy
* Fixed CSS display of top rated item entry to \"display: table;\"
* added support for storagePid in t
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.1.0 / stable
May 01, 2014
Please change to the new template, it changed a little because of improvements in HTML-quality and support for $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'FE\'][\'versionNumberInFilename\'].
CSS: Fixed calculation for top-margin of ratingstars and like-button with new entries in
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.0.1 / stable
February 26, 2014
- Fixed JavaScript bug \"After edit and save comment, the save comment event is not rebound\"
- Deleted smilie \"frown = :[\" from setup.txt. It interacted with BB-Codes
- Fixed JavaScript error for AJAX page part refreshs after logins/logouts: \"ids on t
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
5.0.0 / stable
January 29, 2014
Removed all Inline-CSS and Inline-JavaScript, thus reducing radically the size of the HTML transferred from the server to the client.
Added BB-Code Selection Popup, advanced.useBBCodeMenu and advanced.BBCodebbs, a list with allowed BB-codes, configure the
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
4.3.2 / stable
November 15, 2013
Fixed PHP-code for rules compliance with https://metrics.typo3.org/, see http://metrics.toctoc.ch/ for current quality (also JavaScript)
Fixed bug Captcha did not resolve, which was very annoying for anonymous commenters entering new comments
Hunting and
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
4.3.1 / stable
November 14, 2013
Fixed PHP-code for code quality: See https://metrics.typo3.org/, see http://metrics.toctoc.ch/ for current quality (also JavaScript)
Hunting and fixing PHP 5.4 warnings and errors.
Updated sharing component sharrre to version 1.3.5
Updated comment report-
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
4.3.0 / stable
October 29, 2013
Compatibility TYPO3 6.2
Added new commenting mode \"login required\", toctoc_comments installs a wrapper (XCLASS) on felogin. 2 new templates for standalone mode of the login form as well as the template needed for the loginRequired-mode (in folder res/te
4.3.0 - 6.2.99 Download
4.1.0 / stable
September 11, 2013
The main CSS, theme CSS, main JS now always have number of the extension version (now: 410) in the filename. On extension updates the old files will be preserved, this can be useful to track your changes.
Added checks for valid e-mails when sending notifi
4.3.0 - 6.1.99 Download
4.0.0 / stable
August 07, 2013
* Added a smilie and emoji selection panel
* Added scopes (categories) for ratings
* Added plugin mode for top ratings
* Added support for custom texts from TypoScript
* Fixed position of a close button for messages occurring on comment-inserts for concer
4.3.0 - 6.1.99 Download
3.6.0 / stable
May 05, 2013
Added support for TYPO3-installations in subdirectories
Added support for multilingual or monolingual mode
Database Update required
Optimization of use of TYPO3-Cache, less deletions of cache entries. Now page cache is only deleted on calls for recent co
4.3.0 - 6.1.99 Download
3.5.0 / stable
April 02, 2013
Support for Unicode Emoji (iOS 6 set): You can type :RAINBOW: or any Emojitext, it will be converted to Unicode symbol (or insert a symbol directly) and after saving Emojis are displayed as images.
Added option advanced.useEmoji, which by default is set t
4.4.0 - 6.0.99 Download
3.4.0 / stable
March 14, 2013
- Added inline reply mode with open form or linked form.
- Added 2 new rating designs.
- Added support for boxmodels, they document and implement changes to the CSS layout in a single file.
- 9 new TS Options for Plugin Design are available as theme-o
4.5.0 - 6.0.99 Download
3.3.0 / stable
February 11, 2013
Classic mode COMMENTS,FORM can be changed to FORM,COMMENTS or COMMENTS now
Introducing picture- and PDF-attachments with nice presentation in frontend (scaled and cropped images as well as a nice jQuery Lightbox)
HTML5 Fileuploading (only HTML5...)
3.2.1 / beta
January 10, 2013
Bugfix for Websitepreviews
3.2.0 / beta
January 09, 2013
added a new marker for tt_news for entire plugin display in LIST, SEARCH and LATEST views
redesigned and enhanced display of iLikes (and iDislikes) with facebook-like info about the users
introducing jQuery Tools (Tooltips in Comments-List)
added marker f
3.1.0 / beta
December 21, 2012
fixed missing commentdate when displaying only comments without ratings
fixed missing comment after insert of a subsequent comment in logged in mode
fixed additional cache pages
added IP-blocking for comments
moved triggering prefixes from TS-config to an
3.0.6 / beta
December 07, 2012
fixed HTML-E-Mail and page-add new for TYPO3 6.0
now the extension is compatible TYPO3 6.0
fixed gender-assignments for fe_users in environments without gender defined in fe_users. Set to 0 (male) if so.
fixed PHP-sessions to named sessions
fixed several
3.0.5 / beta
December 07, 2012
fixed HTML-E-Mail and page-add new for TYPO3 6.0
now the extension is compatible TYPO3 6.0
fixed gender-assignments for fe_users in environments without gender defined in fe_users. Set to 0 (male) if so.
fixed PHP-sessions to named sessions
fixed several
3.0.3 / beta
December 07, 2012
fixed HTML-E-Mail and page-add new for TYPO3 6.0
now the extension is compatible TYPO3 6.0
fixed gender-assignments for fe_users in environments without gender defined in fe_users. Set to 0 (male) if so.
fixed PHP-sessions to named sessions
fixed several
3.0.2 / beta
December 07, 2012
fixed HTML-E-Mail and page-add new for TYPO3 6.0
now the extension is compatible TYPO3 6.0
fixed gender-assignments for fe_users in environments without gender defined in fe_users. Set to 0 (male) if so.
fixed PHP-sessions to named sessions
fixed several
3.0.1 / beta
December 07, 2012
fixed HTML-E-Mail and page-add new for TYPO3 6.0
now the extension is compatible TYPO3 6.0
fixed gender-assignments for fe_users in environments without gender defined in fe_users. Set to 0 (male) if so.
fixed PHP-sessions to named sessions
fixed several
3.0.0 / beta
November 30, 2012
- Users can reply on comments, comments are shown in a hierarchical tree-view
- Male/Female avatar for anonymous users.
- eID-Interface with HTML-template
- fe_users can edit their comments
- Comments-cropping after a certain length, it can be set in TS-o
2.2.3 / beta
October 03, 2012
Bugfixed PHP 5.3.10 issue with function-calls containing &$variable parameters
Bugfixed New Comment does not show up immediately after successful submit (without approval), when triggering prefix is set
Bugfixed notification e-mails to commentator d
2.2.2 / beta
September 30, 2012
Bugfixed "sharrre - Google Comment is not possible because window closes on mouse over"
Bugfixed "sharrre - Google Count is not added to total shares"
Bugfixed "sharrre - CSS overflow: hidden is making popups inaccessible in main template"
2.2.1 / beta
September 28, 2012
Bugfixed issue with iLike blocking voteing in static mode
Added support for extensions comment_ipbl, comments_report and comments_response
Added commentator notification on new comments
Updated Documentation with Interoperability List for various
2.2.0 / beta
September 28, 2012
Bugfixed issue with iLike blocking voteing in static mode
Added support for extensions comment_ipbl, comments_report and comments_response
Added commentator notification on new comments
Updated Documentation with Interoperability List for various
2.1.2 / beta
September 12, 2012
Bugfixed recaptcha-clone and date display for comments
Fixes CSS-issue for sharing default design
2.1.1 / beta
September 12, 2012
Bugfixed recaptcha-clone and date display for comments
Fixes CSS-issue for sharing default design
2.1.0 / beta
September 11, 2012
fixed problems with disableIPcheck0
added 2nd design for sharrre
added option for required comment length
added 4 options to configure the freecap-clone
improved, new templates and css
2.0.8 / beta
September 09, 2012
Updated sharing component sharrre to version 1.3.3 which fixes a problem with Google
2.0.7 / beta
September 09, 2012
Updated sharing component sharrre to version 1.3.3 which fixes a problem with Google
2.0.6 / beta
August 26, 2012
fixed bug when required fields were missing, new manual-version reflecting changes in configuration definitions for stdWraps.
2.0.5 / beta
August 25, 2012
Added encryption for e-mailadresses in usercards
2.0.4 / beta
August 23, 2012
1) Needed to change a (unique) index in the table for individual ratings - now voting is not anymore a single user function (even if in reality this is often the case! :-) )
2) the css of the blacktheme was outdated and is ok now again.
2.0.3 / beta
August 22, 2012
Better Sharing implementation, configuration option to use the old Dateformat added
2.0.2 / beta
August 21, 2012
Corrected file name for a css-file, in 2.0.1 unhappily toctoccomments_ratings.css was renamed to toctoccomments_rating.css
2.0.1 / beta
August 21, 2012
Replace current 2.0.0
2.0.0 / beta
August 21, 2012
Replace current 2.0.0
1.0.2 / beta
August 20, 2012
2nd bugfix for ratings import in upgrade mode
1.0.1 / beta
August 20, 2012
Bugfix in upgrade-mode
1.0.0 / beta
August 20, 2012
Initial upload of the first version - clean