
xBlog: Frontend-Simplifier xBlog: Frontend-Simplifier

xblog / alpha

Quickly assemble a TYPO3 frontend! Publish the data from the tables pages, tt_content and from any other database! No need to set up typoscript.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

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#blog #browser #calendar #News #Pagination #paging #cal #Slider #Slick

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[FEATURE] xBlog: if there is a datetimeend it will displayed in the single view

Downloads by month

Download 11.3.4 Extension Manual Code Insights Packagist.org
Dirk Wildt (Die Netzmacher, verdigado eG), Alexander Bigga, Liss Dunphy, Falko Trojahn (all verdigado eG),
Last update
05. Jul 2024
First upload
24. Nov 2018
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (10.4.0 - 11.9.999)
  • cache (10.4.0 - 11.9.999)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Go to your folder where the root composer.json file is located
  2. Type: composer req netzmacher/xblog to get the latest version that runs on your TYPO3 version.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (44)

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
11.3.4 / alpha
July 05, 2024
[FEATURE] xBlog: if there is a datetimeend it will displayed in the single view
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.3.3 / alpha
June 27, 2024
[FEATURE] FLUID template List.html for EXT:calendarize [TASK] display author in list and single view. Improved view staff

10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.3.2 / alpha
June 27, 2024
[FEATURE] FLUID template List.html for EXT:calendarize [TASK] display author in list view and single view. Improved view for staff.
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.3.1 / alpha
April 08, 2024
[FEATURE] xBlogForm: enable fields of foreigntables. xBlogSearch: hide form in single view. [TASK] xBlog: Don't display more button, if record type is notype.
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.2.8 / alpha
February 18, 2024
[FEATURE] New property: hide if single view. For xBlogCat, xBlogMiniCal, xBlogTagCloud, xBlogSlider, xBlogTeaser.
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.2.6 / alpha
February 04, 2024
[BUGFIX] Improve ExpresssionWrapper
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.2.5 / alpha
December 11, 2023
[FEATURE] Tag cloud by categories. xBlog Form: new button clear. xBlogMain: prompt if xBlogForm is missing. xBlogMain: prompt if xBlogSearch is missing. EXT:start: update form siteLineTopSearch. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.14 / alpha
October 06, 2023
[FEATURE] Search word has an effect for related tables [BUGFIX] size of images in xBlog teaser and xBlog single views
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.11 / alpha
September 09, 2023
[TASK] xBlog Main: If template > layout "table" is used, a table field (column) is obligate NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.10 / alpha
September 02, 2023
[FEATURE] xBlog Main: Filter with new assistent fe_users [BUGFIX] Session management for EXT:publish NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.8 / alpha
August 23, 2023
[BUGFIX] Fluid template: namespace was missing
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.7 / alpha
August 16, 2023
[TASK] xBlogSlider: layout for margin / images only. xBlogSlider: tab help respects tab advanced field help [DOC] Update manual WHAT IS NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.4 / alpha
August 04, 2023
[BUGFIX] xBlogSlider has used for grid and image height and witdh properties of xBlogMain
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.3 / alpha
July 25, 2023
[TASK] Improved Route Enhancer. ATTENTION! Removed files: Configuration/Routes/Org/*.yaml WHAT IS NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.2 / alpha
July 24, 2023
[BUGFIX] DatabaseQueryForeignTableProcessor
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.1 / alpha
July 24, 2023
[BUGFIX] small bigfix
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.1.0 / alpha
July 24, 2023
[FEATURE] xBlog Main: size for image in single view by plugin. xBlog Form: filter for periods and scopes. WHAT IS NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.8 / alpha
July 11, 2023
[TASK] xBlog filter: optimise IN. Additional operator "<- IN" (inInverse)
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.7 / alpha
July 07, 2023
[BUGFIX] fluid debug prompt
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.6 / alpha
July 06, 2023
[BUGFIX] xBlog CSS: .xBlog .row gets minus padding
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.5 / alpha
May 02, 2023
[BUGFIX] fluid template staff single, show uid in andwhere datetime method
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.4 / alpha
May 01, 2023
[BUGFIX] Improvements for TYPO3 10.4 and 11.5
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.3 / alpha
April 19, 2023
[TASK] Teaser font in bold. [BUGFIX] fix video max-width. Paging lost the additionalParams.
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
11.0.1 / alpha
April 12, 2023
Upgrade TYPO3 11.5
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
10.1.0 / alpha
March 28, 2024
FEATURES of xBlog version 11 compatible with TYPO3 8.7
8.7.0 - 8.7.999 Download
10.0.8 / alpha
October 05, 2023
Update for TYPO3 8.7
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
10.0.7 / alpha
April 12, 2023
Upgrade TYPO3 11.5
10.4.0 - 11.9.999 Download
10.0.6 / alpha
March 26, 2023
[FEATURE] Extension manager: flag for siteconfiguration prompt in frontend. Prompt in backend, if site configuration (config.yaml) is not proper. xBlogMain plugin: Images have the new property display: list, single, both (default). Calendar link to an inquiry form. [BUGFIX] small bugfixes. See ChangeLog.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
10.0.0 / alpha
January 22, 2023
[FEATURES] Short for single view. Flexform category is extended with tx_org_caltype and tx_org_newsgroup. Automatic RSS TypoScript template for page with module xblog-rss. Do not display a record twice on the same page. TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.xblog_pi1. [BUGFIX] Flexform conditions.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.46.20 / alpha
December 30, 2022
[FEATURE] Support for archived news. [TASK] Improved CSS classes for location and related records in list views. [BUGFIX] Queries for categories with AND and NOT
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.46.17 / alpha
November 30, 2022
BUGFIX: some SQL statements. JavaScript xBlogBubble. Category filter and pointer respect xblog_pi1 only now. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.46.12 / alpha
November 19, 2022
[TASK] Improved extension icons. Improved flexform for template staff. [BUGFIX] SqlTreeView was unproper, if parent isn't on the first level. Mod wizard.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.46.9 / alpha
November 16, 2022
Small bugfixes
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.46.3 / alpha
November 12, 2022
[TASK] Optimise CSS for orbit container
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.46.1 / alpha
November 10, 2022
[FEATURE] xBlog supports HTML3 details and summary. [BUGFIX] xBlogTeaser has not a proper pidfor the single view.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.45.10 / alpha
November 05, 2022
[BUGFIX] RSS feed needed a proper table value for the cache view helper
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.45.9 / alpha
November 04, 2022
[TASK] xBlog single view: location with map icons, organiser with url. Optimise routeEnhancers. Fluid templates for images cleaned up. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.45.3 / alpha
October 21, 2022
[BUGFIX] EXT:xblog: selectTree did not run propper with user access. Images with a link were not render proper.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.45.1 / alpha
October 20, 2022
ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu WHAT IS NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.37.8 / alpha
June 23, 2022
[BUGFIX] undefined method SliderController::debugMain() NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.37.7 / alpha
June 22, 2022
[FEATURE] xBlogMain and xBlogMini: improved debug options. See flexform > Debug. [BUGFIX] xBlogMini had empty items.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.37.6 / alpha
June 21, 2022
[TASK] Improvement of xBlogCat, the categories plugin. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.37.2 / alpha
June 16, 2022
[IMPROVEMENT] xBlog Categories
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.36.3 / alpha
June 03, 2022
[FEATURE] Display categories in list views. Configurable by flexform. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.35.7 / alpha
June 02, 2022
[BUGFIX] xBlogPaging: list_type was missing in TypoScript for DatetimeAndwhereUserfunc->AndWhere
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.35.6 / alpha
June 02, 2022
[FEATURE] Support for MM-relation without MM-Match_fields
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.35.4 / alpha
May 24, 2022
FEATURE: categories and related records will display in single view. BUGFIX: DatabaseQueryForeignTableProcessor
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.34.3 / alpha
April 25, 2022
A lot of bugfixes, improvements and some features. See ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.31.8 / alpha
December 06, 2021
[TASK] Viewhelpers are optimised: render() is moved to renderStatic().
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.31.7 / alpha
December 03, 2021
[BUGFIX] Non proper prompt in context with publish and single view
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.31.5 / alpha
November 22, 2021
[BUGFIX] Page browser didn't run proper in context of Publish
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.31.3 / alpha
October 31, 2021
FEATURE: Frontend-Editing. Sorry there isn't any documentation.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.30.23 / alpha
August 19, 2021
[TASK] xBlog table layout: order related tables by value and not by uid. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.30.22 / alpha
July 19, 2021
[FEATURE] xBlogMain: table layout. xBlogMain: view for fe_user. xBlog: EXT:bootstrap_package: additional template for GalleryProcessor. [TASK] xBlogMain: fluid template for news in list views. [BUGFIX] TypoScript object path lib.start.calc does not exist. Proper CSV relations, proper joins in context with form and filters. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.30.15 / alpha
July 08, 2021
[FEATURE] Additional order fields. [TASK] Caching is optimised. [BUGFIX] xBlog calender: single view displays images. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.30.12 / alpha
June 30, 2021
IMPROVEMENTS: Paging. xBlogMain: caching. xBlogForm. BUGFIX: Join and andWhere. xBlogRss filter. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.30.7 / alpha
June 20, 2021
[FEATURE] xBlogMain uncached. [TASK] Improved CSS: .row.colQty. [BUGFIX] xBlogForm. Bugs in context with a first image exclusive for list views. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.30.5 / alpha
June 05, 2021
[FEATURE] List- and single view for Quick Shop. [TASK] TypoScript conditions compatible with TYPO3 8.7 and 10.4. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.25.7 / alpha
May 06, 2021
[BUGFIX] xBlogMain: localised date format.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.25.3 / alpha
March 25, 2021
FEATURES: display a single record. Set period. Control start point for up-to-date events. BUGFIX: small bugfixes.
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.24.10 / alpha
March 07, 2021
IMPROVEMENT: tmpl_layout: singleplugin becomes default. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.24.9 / alpha
February 25, 2021
[BUGFIX] Get rid of 'Please save the xBlog-Plugin again!' [TASK] Don't display any social media icon, if any icon isn't enabled. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.24.8 / alpha
February 14, 2021
IMPROVEMENT: Datesheet: Improved default values. New Class TrimViewhelper
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.24.7 / alpha
February 12, 2021
FEATURE: xBlogRSS: plugin with new properties pid for list view and pid for single view. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.24.6 / alpha
February 12, 2021
A lot of bugfixes and improvements. See ChangeLog @ https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.23.4 / alpha
January 28, 2021
New features, a lot of bugfixes. Please read the upgrade section in the MANUAL: https://bit.ly/3ptTUbQ ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter

8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.20.19 / alpha
July 06, 2020
FEATURE: CSS for bootstrap. xBlogMain with paging property. BUGFIXES: a lot of bugfixes. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.20.12 / alpha
June 19, 2020
FEATURE: news with prepended date. IMPROVEMENT: xBlogMain single view CSS. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.20.9 / alpha
June 18, 2020
FEATURE: SEO. Here: get rid of action and controller params. NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.20.8 / alpha
June 05, 2020
Compatibility TYPO3 10.4. New feature: xBlog Teaser. Integration of rx_shariff. Upgrade for Seo Dynamic Tag 5. A lot of improvements. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 10.9.99 Download
0.9.18 / alpha
April 26, 2020
FEATURE: Support for Real URL. UPDATE for EXT:slick 5.1.0
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.9.16 / alpha
April 05, 2020
Small BUGFIX. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.9.15 / alpha
April 02, 2020
FEATURE: xBlogMain categories andWhere, firstResult, maxResults and orderBy can configured by Constant Editor. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu WHAT IS NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.9.13 / alpha
April 01, 2020
FEATURE: Hand on sword from xBlogSearch to xBlogForm. External Template. xBlogMain categories. ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.9.9 / alpha
March 04, 2020
FEATURES: xBlog form. special case main: link to another xblog. IMPROVEMENTS: image crop is respected in list views of main, mini, slider. Form respects pid and recursive. BUGFIX: imagecols. list view was displayed by single view.
ChangeLog: https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.9.0 / beta
November 24, 2019
FEATURE: Single views of 3rd party extensions can controlled by the main plugin and the slider plugin. WHAT'S NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.24 / beta
October 09, 2019
FEATURES: Filter. Title-wrap of list view is configurable. WHAT'S NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v NEWSLETTER: https://die-netzmacher.de/newsletter
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.20 / beta
July 12, 2019
BUGFIX: RSS-Feed: unwanted effect, some characters have been masked.
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.19 / beta
June 13, 2019
MANUAL: xBlog Slider with schematic representation
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.17 / beta
June 11, 2019
IMPROVEMENTS: xBlog Slider. DETAILS @ ChangeLog.
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.16 / beta
April 29, 2019
FEATURE: filter for list views. Some BUGFIXES. WHAT IS NEW @ https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v DETAILS @ ChangeLog https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.15 / beta
April 26, 2019
FEATURE: new plugin xBlog RSS feed. DETAILS @ What is new: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.14 / beta
April 23, 2019
FEATURES: xBlog +Slider. xBlog can linked with single view of any other extension. WHAT IS NEW: https://bit.ly/2Gyvf0v DETAILS @ ChangeLog https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.11 / beta
April 17, 2019
BUGFIX: The closing div-tag could be missing in a column layout.
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.8 / beta
April 15, 2019
MANUAL: Update What is new. IMPROVEMENT: CSS for paginator and for list view columns.
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.7 / beta
April 13, 2019
FEATURE: xBlog main: columns for the list view. IMPROVEMENT xBlog Main list view: If title is empty at "Label of this list", it won't displayed. BUGFIX: typolink rendering of an image: &cHash was missing. DETAILS @ ChangeLog https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.6 / beta
April 12, 2019
FEATURE: xBlog with property for the uid of a single record. IMPROVEMENT: image xBlog respects Max Image/Media Width. DETAILS @ ChangeLog
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.4 / beta
April 10, 2019
BUGFIX: TYPO3 9.5: AdditionalParams didn't run proper for the paging plugin. DETAILS @ ChangeLog https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.3 / beta
April 09, 2019
Several Bugfixes. See @ ChangeLog https://bit.ly/2KnmPhu
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.1 / beta
April 02, 2019
STATUS: beta. Features: German localization. IMPROVEMENTS: Proper links for pages and tt_content.
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.8.0 / alpha
April 02, 2019
FEATURES: new plugins datesheet, images, media and search. Improved plugins xblog, mini and paging. MANUAL @ What is new. DETAILS @ ChangeLog
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.6.4 / alpha
March 25, 2019
FEATURE: Process record as text with image (under construction). MANUAL: What is new?
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.6.0 / alpha
December 09, 2018
WHAT'S NEW @ manual what's new. FEATURE: session management. DETAILS @ ChangeLog
8.7.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.5.0 / alpha
December 07, 2018
MANUAL: see @ What's new. FEATURE: plugin with tab images. IMPROVEMENTS: single view, fluid templates, manual. DETAILS @ ChangeLog
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.4.0 / alpha
December 04, 2018
MANUAL: What's new 0.4.0. FEATURE: typolinks respect type field of items. IMPROVEMENT: Controlling of paging and xblogs is proper.
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.3.0 / alpha
December 03, 2018
Extension is under construction! FEATURE: Paging (supported by sessions)
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.2.1 / alpha
December 01, 2018
MANUAL: Update What's new (see 0.2)
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.2.0 / alpha
December 01, 2018
FEATURES: SELECT orderBy can controlled by flexform. Small IMPROVEMENTS. DETAILS @ Changelog
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.1.2 / alpha
November 29, 2018
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.1.0 / alpha
November 28, 2018
FEATURE: xBlog Browser. MANUAL (if official fails) @ typo3conf/ext/xblog/Resources/Public/Documentation
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.0.3 / alpha
November 25, 2018
IMPROVEMENT: extension dependencies are cleaned up.
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.0.2 / alpha
November 25, 2018
IMPROVEMENT: extension category and status. DETAILS @ ChangeLog
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download
0.0.1 / stable
November 24, 2018
Initial Release :)
6.2.0 - 9.9.99 Download